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select * from F41002 where UMITM= UMITM in F4101 and umum=ca select 8 from f41002 where unitm=imitm and

other conditions and umum=pl order by imitm select distinct(IMLITM) from F4101, F41002 where IMSTKT<>'O' and IMGLPT='FG01' and IMITM not in (select distinct(umitm) from F41002) and IMLITM<>'COMMADJ' select umitm as Short_item, imlitm as List_number,imdsc1 as Description, umum as pallets, umcnv1/10000000 as eaches from F41002, F4101 where F4101.IMITM=F41002.umitm and F4101.IMGLPT='FG01' and F4101.IMSTKT<>'O' and UMUM='PL' order by imlitm

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