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Chinese Foreign Policy 1949-1978

Starting in 1949, Mao Zedong and the Communists took over China and the Soviet Union was the first country to recognize the PRC. The Soviet Union also supported China during its involvement during the Korean War.

After the death of Stalin, Khrushchev took over and relations with the Soviet Union began to sour.

Doctrinal differences came out of Sino-Soviet relations. By 1961 Mao had denounced Soviet communism because of its differences to Maoism. This eventually caused a border conflict with the Soviet Union in 1969.

The PRC became increasingly isolated. Most western countries did not recognize the PRC. Most recognized Taiwan as the Chinese government.

In 1972 due to advice from Secretary of State Henry Kissenger, the United States opened relations with and recognized the PRC due to their conflict with the Soviet Union. These relations did not evolve much more though.

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