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--------------------------------2011/10/28 19:51:30------------------------------FastMM has detected an error during a FreeMem operation.

The block header has be

en corrupted.
The current thread ID is 0x43C, and the stack trace (return addresses) leading t
o this error is:
[005B7215] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@FreeMem
[00746809] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistEntry.MyFreeBuffer [+3] (Line: 249)
[00747210] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistEntry.TAIMPPlaylistEntry.SetInfo [+4] (Lin
e: 528)
[00746AC9] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistEntry.TAIMPPlaylistEntry.Assign [+3] (Line
: 330)
[00746A79] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistEntry.TAIMPPlaylistEntry.Assign [+4] (Line
: 323)
[00752B0D] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistStorage.TAIMPPlaylistItem.SetData [+2] (Li
ne: 2491)
[007563B7] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistStorage.UpdateItemInfo [+4] (Line: 3962)
[00756484] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPPlaylistStorage.TAIMPPlaylistScanningThread.Execut
e [+9] (Line: 3984)
[00624528] [ AIMP3.dll] Classes.ThreadProc
[005BB94D] [ AIMP3.dll] System.ThreadWrapper
[76F43C44] [kernel32.dll]

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