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Through the turns, ups and downs of World history, its evident that leadership has captivated and influenced the societies globally and even varied the world economy. Leadership with its various faces and outfits has leaded the subordinates and has affected us. It is also captured that leadership in any form reflects the cultural forfeit to which it belongs. This essay very much tries to entitle the influence of a culture on the leaders and their leadership behaviors. Leadership and culture are intertwined. One requires the other. (Gilbert W. Fairholm, Leadership and the culture of trust, 1994, 56). The very fact about all leadership lies behind the cultural influence to which he or she has been termed. It empowers them to create a link with their followers and establish interpersonal relationship. INDIA BHARAT Republic of INDIA is land with seven different religions, twenty two different languages .Its something like different colors but bonded together with a kind of thread (Leadership) to form an influencing rainbow. The Indian economy, its growth rate and vibrant market resembles and pronounces the effectiveness of leadership in India. India through its fifty years of independence has seen various leaders of which some have been really very popular and renowned all over the world. It has also witnessed leaders belonging to sports, business and even religion. Political leaders have been very popular issues in India which everyday cover around seventy five percent of the newspaper daily and are the real modulators of the Indian society and culture. The Indian culture has also flourished stereotypes enforcing gendered leadership.

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