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Over the past decade, the international community has strengthened its commitment to addressing youth employment issues. The United Nations Millennium Declaration, adopted by the General Assembly in 2000, reflects the commitment of heads of state and governments to develop and implement strategies that give young people real opportunities to find decent and productive work. The objective was subsequently integrated into the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000. The eighth Goal, which relates to developing a global partnership for development, explicitly refers to creating employment opportunities for young people. Our country and our community future can only be guaranteed if young aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs passionate about developing the continent are given the necessary empowerment.  For this purpose the C.I.DE.C a.s.b.l have outlined youth empowerment strategies focusing on youth entrepreneurship training, career guidance services, youth leadership training, and the acquisition of ICT skills. The objective The aim of this youth empowerment project is to produce highly motivated, selfless, and dedicated young men and women who are equipped with the necessary skills to participate pro-actively in the development of the private sector and the creation of employment. Activities and program under youth empowerment project Activities and programs to be under taken through this youth empowerment project will focused to support our country networks in building capacity for youth employment and entrepreneurship programs and focus efforts to close the gap between what youth know and what youth do. We will work towards entrepreneurship trainings and work with youth to prepare them to understand their country policies and opportunities, and build partnership for project design and implementation. Within this we will help youth to develop the mind-set they need to succeed anywhere in the world, regardless of whether they choose to work in an existing company or set up their own.

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