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It is a hot weather today, Ahmad came back from school and he feels very tired and hot.

Thus he decided to take a bath. After finished his bath he forget to turn off the tap and left the tap running. He straight go to his room to wear his shirt and go to tuition without notice that he forgot to close the tap. Later then, the water have filled the tab and overflowed onto the bathroom floor. When his mother came home, she was shocked when she open the door see the living room is overflowed with water.

Brian had done it again. He had left the house in a hurry and had forgotten to turn off the tap after his bath. It was not the first time he had left the tap running. The last time, his mother had been at home and turned off the tap after his bath. This time, however, his mother was not in the house. Brian had a lot thing on his mind. He had to finish his homework and go for tuition class. As he was already late for tuition, Brian hurriedly left the house. In his hast, he forgot about the bathroom tap. The water filled the tub and overflowed onto the bathroom floor. When Brians mother returned home, she was shocked to see water in the living room. The water was ankle deep. Angrily, she made her way to the bathroom and turned off the tap. It took her 2 hours to clean up the mess. Brians mother was really angry with Brian. As punishment, she made Brian do all the household chores for 2 weeks.

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