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Who am I?? A simple question with an answer that can vary from the mundane to the philosophical.

A question that may be answered by simply stating your name or it may require introspection or a deeper examination and understanding of your motives, your purpose, your thoughts and feelings. Today I d like to share my answer to that very question. I m Jasper, a son, a brother, a future husband, a future father, a human being. A being whose existence may be transitory but whose actions may help in directing the course of the world s future. It may sound egotistical and exhibit a bloated sense of self but that statement is true for me and every one of you. A few weeks back I was able to watch an episode of Curiosity, a show on Discovery Channel, the title was, How evil are you?. It recreated an experiment in which the actual test subject was told to ask a pretend test subject a series of questions and was told to administer increasing amounts of electricity if the pretend test subject answered a question wrongly. Most of the participants continued to administer the shocks to the point that they reached the last shock setting available. In the second test a different set of participants were put through the same test, the only difference was, they were partnered with someone who was secretly part of the research team. In the middle of the test, the researcher would say that he has had enough and doesn t want to continue administering the shocks and wants to quit the test. Consequently most of the participants would also stop from administering the shocks. They concluded that if one stepped up to stop something that one knew was wrong, others would follow. It just shows that we can affect those around us by our actions. It only takes a simple idea, a simple act, a spark, if you will, that would start a series of events that would change the world. And that s who I am. I m Jasper.

Im jasper im 21 years old

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