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The idea of DoKo is to score as many DoKos (points) as possible. (When you play with some serious players in Germany one DoKo usually equals ten cents.) There are regular DoKos and extra DoKos. Regular DoKos After all the cards are played, each party counts the points of their tricks. The total sum of points is always 240. How many DoKos you and your partner are awarded depends on the bracket you keep your losing opponents in. It helps to memorize these brackets: 120 90 60 30 0 You keep your opponents under 120 points, you win 1 DoKo. under 90 points = 2 DoKos; under 60 points = 3 DoKos; under 30 points = 4 DoKos; not a single point = 5 DoKos Examples: a) You have 135 points, your opponents have 105 points ( = 240 points). The official game scoring is Keine 120 (No 120). You win 1 DoKo. b) You have 223 points and your opponents 17 points. The game scoring is: Keine 120 Keine 90 Keine 60 Keine 30 = You win 4 DoKos. c) If the CONTRA pair wins, the game scoring starts with Gegen die Alten (Against the Queens of Club) keine 120 keine The CONTRA winners thus always win an additional DoKo. (The rationale being that its usually harder to beat the RE team.) Extra DoKos Extra DoKos can be won in two different ways. 1. MAKING ANNOUNCEMENTS (Ansagen) You can make announcements during the game. This means you hope to achieve a specific goal. If you fail to accomplish your goal, you automatically lose. The most common announcement is: Re! (or Kontra!). This means that you are part of the Re (or Kontra) party and are convinced your party will score more than 120 points. These announcements can be made after a Re or Kontra announcement: Keine 90 (no 90): your opponents will get fewer than 90 points Keine 60 Keine 30 Schwarz (0) Examples: You (RE) announce Keine 60! This announcement gives you the chance to win 4 DoKos: Re Keine 120 Keine 90 Keine 60 3

If you dont achieve your goal, your opponents will win these 4 DoKos plus 1 extra DoKo for playing against the Queens of Club: Gegen die Alten Every bid may be countered by Kontra resp. Re when the opponents think the goal will not be met. For example, if the Re-Party announces Re, keine 60, a reply of Kontra simply claims Kontra will score 60 points. Time Limits For Announcements: To make a bid, you must still hold a specific number of cards in your hands: A Re or Kontra announcement has to be made before the fifth card is played. keine 90 or a Kontra/Re in response to a bid of the opposing party: the announcement has to come before the ninth card is played etc. You cannot make any announcements in the middle of a trick. 2. Extra DoKos DOPPELKOPFS FUN RULES a) Doppelkopf If you win a trick that contains 40 or more points (4 Volle, i.e. tens and aces) you will win one extra DoKo.

b) Fchse (Foxes) You catch an opponents Ace of Diamonds (Fuchs).

c) Karlchen (Charley) You win the very last trick of the game with the Jack of Clubs.

d) Trick of Hearts You win a trick consisting of all four non-trump hearts.

All the DoKos (regular and extra) are doubled for a whole round when: There is a trick containing only non-trump hearts. Both parties get zero DoKos in a game. Each party gets 120 points. The Re-party announces Re and loses.

A Bockrunde starts with the deal AFTER the event that caused the Bockrunde and continues for one deal by each player.

In a Solo you play all by yourself. The three other players form a team. There are three types of Solos: Trump Solo: Queen (Damen) Solo: Jack (Buben) Solo: All cards rank as usual. Only the 8 Queens are trumps, ranking usual. All four suits rank A10 KJ Only the 8 Jacks are trumps, ranking usual. The suits rank A10KQ

D | D | D | D


B | B | B | B

In all three solos the Solo player is considered the Re-player. Scoring Example: The Solo player has 152 points The team of 3 has 88 points. Announcements of Re and Keine 90 were made: The scoring is: Keine 90 Angesagt Keine 120 Re Solo = you win a total of 15 Dokos (5 from each opposing player); each opposing player loses minus 5 DoKos.

You can ask for a redeal if: You have at least five kings in your hand. You have at most one trump. You dont have a trump higher than a Fox (ace of diamonds).

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