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O Connor PSCI 472 African Diaspora

Robinson Chapters 4-6 Reading Response

Robinson discussed the history of how slavery came to because of a capitalistic imperialism that began with those in power in Europe and spread throughout Europe and the US. One of the areas that I was interested in was his explanation on indentured servants versus slaves and the ability for indentured servants to integrate into society. In chapter 4 and again in chapter 5, Robinson discusses how German and Irish were enslaved as indentured servants. He goes on to say that these indentured servants were then accepted into society because of a change in the social contract that put Africans below other ethnic groups that were now considered white. There are several things that I struggle with this concept. First, does this allow white people to argue, blacks need to . because other ethnic groups have been accepted into society. This does not address any power relations, but our society already has this false argument and does Robinson give people reasons to continue this argument. I agree that race should be considered a separate category from class and that class is also a factor, it seems that race is a precursor to what class an individual or society will reside. The comparison between indentured servants and slavery is similar; there are clear differences even if the Irish and Germans were not accepted into society. Also, I was intrigued by who much of a role religion has had on the oppression of African descendants. The change from religious and spiritual enlightenment to science completely disregarded any contributions from non-religious, non-white people, specifically the Egyptian sciences. Science also became another tool to classify and demoralize non-whites while simultaneously claiming to be factual. Unfortunately, this seems to remain present in recent times such as the race myths that scientists claimed to be fact during the 1980s and today (The Bell Curve). Both science and religion were used to justify slavery and the destruction of Africans and they have continued to justify oppressing non-whites today.

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