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February 19, 2012

Gently tie a piece of yarn around one of your fingers, wear a special bracelet, or make a mark on your hand. Use this clue to help you remember to keep your eyes, heart and mind focused on Jesus throughout your whole day!

Share about a time when you werent prepared or you forgot something you needed. How does that relate to todays Bible story from Matthew 25:1-13?

Practice your memory verse! You can find it in Psalm 19:14.

Share Gods love with Daniel and Alexandra, our sponsorship children through Compassion International! Bring your offering money to KiDS COR and make a difference in their lives!

Share Gods love with Daniel and Alexandra, our sponsorship children through Compassion International! Bring your offering money to KiDS COR and make a difference in their lives!
Reflect back on your day. How did you do focusing on Jesus today? Pray and ask God to help you keep your focus on Jesus.

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