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The layout structure is of type LVC_S_LAYO . It contains fields for settinig graphical properties of the grid control, displaying exceptions, calculating totals and enabling specific interaction options.

Alphabetic Index Field name

Short description

Purpose 1.CTAB_FNAME Field name of table with cell color codes Colors 2.CWIDTH_OPT Optimize column width Properties of the Grid Control 3.DETAILINIT Display initial values on detail screen Interaction Control 4.DETAILTITL Title bar of detail screen Interaction Control 5.EXCP_CONDS Inherit exceptions to (sub) total

Exceptions 6.EXCP_FNAME Field name with exception code Exceptions 7.EXCP_LED Exception as LED Exceptions 8.EXCP_ROLLN Data element for exception documentation Exceptions 9.GRID_TITLE Text of title bar Properties of the Grid Control 10.INFO_FNAME Name of field with row color codes Colors 11.KEYHOT Key columns as hotspot Interaction Control 12.NO_HEADERS Hide column headers

Properties of the Grid Control 13.NO_HGRIDLN Hide horizontal grid lines Properties of the Grid Control 14.NO_MERGING Disable cell merging Properties of the Grid Control 15.NO_ROWMARK Hide row marks Properties of the Grid Control 16.NO_TOOLBAR Hide toolbar Properties of the Grid Control 17.NO_TOTARR Do not display totals arrrows Totals Options 18.NO_TOTEXP Do not display expand icons Totals Options 19.NO_TOTLINE Do not display totals line

Totals Options 20.NO_VGRIDLN Hide vertical grid lines Properties of the Grid Control 21.NUMC_TOTAL Allow totals calculation for NUMC fields Totals Options 22.S_DRAGDROP Drag & Drop control settings Interaction Control 23.SEL_MODE Selection mode Properties of the Grid Control 24.SGL_CLK_HD Single click on column header Interaction Control 25.SMALLTITLE Title size Properties of the Grid Control 26.STYLEFNAME Name of the cell table for pushbuttons

Interaction Control 27.TOTALS_BEF Totals output before single records Totals Options 28.ZEBRA Alternating cell color (zebra pattern) for print output Colors

Integration Generally, it makes sense to fill the fields of the structure before first list display and pass them in method set_table_for_first_display. Methods get_frontend_layout and set_frontend_layout allow you to modify settings in the layout structure after list output.

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