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Assignment 1: Materials Development Using Word and Rubric Heidi Karow Constantin TSL 5258

The Adventures of Tintin

Film Review of The Adventures of Tintin

BY ROGER EBERT / December 20, 2011 AID=/20111220/REVIEWS/111229999 Paramount presents a film directed by Steven Spielberg based on the comic book series The Adventures of Tintin by Herg I was surprised by how much I enjoyed myself. Spielberg not only uses 3-D but bases his story on one of Europe's most beloved comic characters This Tintin (voiced by Jamie Bell) is a piece of work. He is a newspaperman who rarely seems to go to the office but can usually be found globe-trotting on an unimaginable expense account, always accompanied by his gifted dog, Snowy. Two maladroit Interpol inspectors named Thompson and Thomson are often on the same cases. A rum-soaked old sea salt named Captain Haddock is often found nearby. Tintin looks like a prepubescent to me, but is treated by everyone as sort of an honorary grownup. His yellow hair comes up to a quiff in the front

It was reported that Spielberg would use motion capture technology on his characters. This seemed wrong, wrong, wrong. Not only did Tintin inhabit an adamantly 2-D universe, but he was manifestly not real My worries became irrelevant during the movie's opening scene. It was going to be all right There's one change I didn't appreciate. Spielberg too closely imitates a traditional action movie. There's gunfire in the Herg comics, but the amount that goes on here is distracting. Herg devoted more time to local color, character eccentricities and explosive dialogue One of the benefits of animation is what it allows Spielberg to do with Snowy. The little dog has always been dubious about his master's daring schemes; Tintin will propose an expedition, and Snowy will think in a thought balloon, "Not by foot, I hope!" Some of the funniest moments in the movie involve Snowy's determination to convey urgent information to dunderheaded humans. "The Adventures of Tintin" is an ambitious and lively caper, miles smarter than your average 3-D family film It plays fair with Spielberg (who received Herg's blessing before his death in 1983). I give it 875 portholes.

As you can see here, loads of information on Tintin and his creator are available online:

A) Tintins loyal companion is named: Rin Tin Tin Haddock Milou Sir Lassie Snowy B) CHOOSE AN ANSWER Is Tintin an adult?
Choose an item.

Type your response here:

C) TYPE AN ANSWER Please identify your favourite cartoon character of all time and explain why you love this particular one.


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