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Assessment Objective 1 Task 1a

Aims and Objectives

Assessment Objective 1: You must provide a detailed explanation of the sports retail industry.

Task: You need to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what constitutes Description Your task is to describe this component and use examples from your local area to illustrate it. Descriptors must include: y y y y y Definition/purpose Scale/size Target groups Services offered and functions performed Impact on the local community?

How will the assessment take place? y y You will need to fully complete the pro forma on CRL for each item You must provide a description and example for each

Unit 1 The Sports Industry

AO AO1 Describe the major Grade

Criteria Candidates provide a basic description of the major components of the sports industry. Limited and obvious examples are used.

components of the sports industry


Candidates provide a detailed description of the major components of the sports industry. A range of examples are used. Candidates provide a comprehensive description of the major components of the sports industry. Candidates use a range of appropriate examples including some less obvious examples.


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