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Foreign Policy after the SpanishAmerican War

After the war

The United States became a world power with a strong economy and overseas colonies. The U.S. was eager to extend American power and influence.

Linking the oceans


Until this time there was no direct route to the Atlantic ocean from the Pacific. Had to travel around the tip of South America. A canal across central America would link the two oceans President Theodore Roosevelt was determined to build the canal.

Revolt in Panama

Panama disliked Colombian rule. Roosevelt secretly let Panama know that the United States would help if they claimed independence. Because of this the Panamanians would reap the rewards of the canal.

Panama Canal

U.S. government began building the canal across Panama in 1904. Roosevelt urged the engineers to make the dirt fly!

Overcoming Obstacles

The first obstacle to overcome was disease -malaria and yellow fever were widespread. Other challenges included: -cutting through a mountain, damming a river and erecting the canal giant locks More than 6,000 men died during the construction of the canal.

Speak softly and carry a big stick;you will go far.

Roosevelt wanted the world to know that if diplomacy failed, the United States would not hesitate to use military force to protect its interests. Applied this policy to Latin America.

Roosevelt Corollary
Corollary= a logical extension of a doctrine or proposition.  Roosevelts corollary to the Monroe Doctrine - asserted the United States right to interfere in the economic matters of other nations in the Americas - claimed the United States right to exercise international police power. - advocated Big Stick Diplomacy.

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