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Assessment S: nalaman ko to nung nagpa ultrasound ako kasi sumasakit yung likod ko at sa may baba ng tiyan ko na para akong

malalaglagan as verbalized by the patient O: > result of ultrasound >D & C on Feb. 16, 2012-

Diagnosis Risk for infection related to tissuedestruction; invasive procedures.

Planning Short term: After 30 minutes of nursing intervention, the patient wil lverbalizeunderst anding of and willingness to follow up prescribed regimen. Long term: After 3 days of nursing intervention, the patient will be freeof sign and symptom r/tinfection

Interventions 1.Note risk factorsfor occurrence of infection. 2.observed for localized sign of infection atinsertion sites of invasive lines,surgical incisions or wounds. 3. administer andinstruct pr ecautionsregar dingmedication regimenand note clientsresponse. 4.emphasize necessity of taking antibiotics , as directed. 5.Review environmental factors

Rationale - to evaluate presence/ character of infection. - to evaluate presence/ character of infection.

Evaluation - After 3 days of nursing intervention, all theinterve ntions were met which was made evident by the absence of sign and symptom related toinfection

-to determine effectiveness of therapy and if thereis a presence of side effect - to inform theclient the risk of discontinu ation of treat ment. -to assess if there is a need of avoidance or modification of environme nt to reduce incidence of infection.

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