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Walking through the woods green and long, Inadvertently brought on my lips a tranquil song, Of Nature s beauty, So gentle

yet so strong. The flowing broth, Held my wounds to soothe The merry din Had my heart to win. The wind blew in a bluster, Still the clouds began to cluster. And though the blowing wind drives the clouds away. It was a different story altogether that day. Ergo, it started to pour. Not just water, but eternal bliss. The animals were all happy and gay, Chattering nonchalantly, they all seemed to say, Welcome to our hearts! O enervated soul! This place, thou consider thine own. The weather was cold, but their hospitality was warmer, And shattering the peace, I heard a clamour. What I saw confirmed my worst fears. Next to its dead mother, a rabbit lay in tears. Two roads diverged in a wood, Man took the one less travelled by, And that has made this difference.

We came, we saw, we conquered. But will we ever get back what we have lost? I am not optimistic, And so would have been Robert Frost.

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