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Tips for creating an effective presentation

Tip Details

Minimize the number of slides.

To maintain a clear message and to keep your audience attentive and interested, keep the number of slides in your presentation to a minimum. Choosing the right font style, such as Helvetica or Arial, helps to get your message across. Avoid narrow fonts, such as Arial Narrow, and avoid fonts that include fancy edges, such as Times. To learn more about how you can use predesigned theme fonts in your presentation, see All about themes, Quick Styles, cell styles, and background styles. Choosing the right font size helps to get your message across. NOTE The following measurements indicate the size of a font on your computer screen, not projected on a screen for your audience in full screen mode. To enable full screen mode, on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Show. A one-inch letter is readable from 10 feet. A two-inch letter is readable from 20 feet. A three-inch letter is readable from 30 feet. To learn more about how you can use predesigned theme fonts in your presentation, see All about themes, Quick Styles, cell styles, and background styles.

Choose a font style that your audience can read from a distance.

Choose a font size that your audience can read from a distance.

Keep your text simple by using bullet points or short sentences.

Use bullets or short sentences, and try to keep each to one line; that is, without text wrapping. You want your audience to listen to you present your information, rather than read the screen.

Some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences might be cropped. You can remove articles such as "a" and "the" to help reduce the word count on a line. Use art to help convey your message. Use graphics to help tell your story. Don't overwhelm your audience by adding too many graphics to a slide, however. Use only enough text to make label elements in a chart or graph comprehensible. Choose an appealing, consistent template or theme that is not too eye-catching. You don't want the background or design to detract from your message. For more information about how to use themes, see Apply a theme to add color and style to your presentation. Themes automatically set the contrast between a light background with dark colored text or dark background with light colored text. To learn more about how you can use themes to automatically set a visually satisfying contrast level, see All about themes, Quick Styles, cell styles, and background styles. To earn and maintain the respect of your audience k, always checthe spelling and grammar in your presentation.

Make labels for charts and graphs understandable. Make slide backgrounds subtle and keep them consistent.

Use high contrast between background color and text color.

Check the spelling and grammar.

Tips for delivering an effective presentation Tip Show up early and verify that your equipment works properly. Don't assume that your presentation will work fine on another computer. Details Make sure that all equipment is connected and running. Disk failures, software version mismatches, lack of disk space, low memory, and many other factors can ruin a presentation. If the computer that you plan to give your

presentation on does not belong to you, make sure that it has sufficient disk space so that you don't have to present from a CD. Turn off screen savers, and make sure that you have the appropriate files and versions of software that you need, including Microsoft Office PowerPoint. To ensure all files are accounted for when you copy them to a CD or network drive and carry them to your presentation location. Verify that the projector's resolution is the same as the computer on which you created your presentation. Turn your screen saver off. Check all colors on a projection screen before giving the actual presentation. Ask your audience to hold questions until the end. If the resolutions don't match, your slides may be cropped, or other display problems can occur. Keep your audience focused on the content of your presentation. The colors may project differently than what appears on your monitor. Questions are an excellent indicator that people are engaged by your subject matter and presentation skills. But if you save questions until the end of the presentation, you will get through your material uninterrupted. Also, early questions are often answered by ensuing slides and commentary. When you are not using the pointer, remove your hand from the mouse. This helps to stop you from moving the pointer unconsciously, which can be distracting. Practice the presentation so that you can speak from bullet points. The text should be a cue for the presenter rather than the full message for the audience. If you plan a certain amount of time for your presentation, do not go over. If there is no time limit, take less time rather than more to ensure that people stay engaged. Each time that you deliver a presentation,

Avoid moving the pointer unconsciously.

Do not read the presentation.

Stay on time.

Monitor your audience's behavior.

monitor your audience's behavior. If you observe people focusing on your slides, the slides may contain too much data or be confusing or distracting in some other way. Use the information you learn each time to improve your future presentations. Key to using keyboard shortcuts The keyboard shortcuts described in this Help topic refer to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a U.S. keyboard. For keyboard shortcuts in which you press two or more keys at the same time, the keys to press are separated by a plus sign (+). For keyboard shortcuts in which you press one key immediately followed by another key, the keys to press are separated by a comma (,). NOTE To print this topic, press TAB to select Show All, press ENTER, and then press CTRL+P. Online Help Keyboard shortcuts for using the Help window To do this Open the Help window. Close the Help window. Switch between the Help window and the active program. Go back to PowerPoint Help and How-to table of contents. Select the next item in the Help window. Select the previous item in the Help window. Perform the action for the selected item. In the Browse PowerPoint Help section of the Help window, select the next or previous item, respectively. In the Browse PowerPoint Help section of the Help window, expand or collapse the selected item, respectively. Press F1 ALT+F4 ALT+TAB ALT+HOME TAB SHIFT+TAB ENTER TAB, SHIFT+TAB


Select the next hidden text or hyperlink, including Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic. Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink. Perform the action for the selected Show All, Hide All, hidden text, or hyperlink. Move back to the previous Help topic (Back button). Move forward to the next Help topic (Forward button). Scroll small amounts up or down, respectively, within the currently displayed Help topic. Scroll larger amounts up or down, respectively, within the currently displayed Help topic. Display a menu of commands for the Help window. This requires that the Help window have the active focus (click in the Help window). Stop the last action (Stop button). Refresh the window (Refresh button). Print the current Help topic. NOTE If the cursor is not in the current Help topic, press F6 and then press CTRL+P. Change the connection state. You may need to press F6 more than once. Type text in the Type words to search for box. You may need to press F6 more than once. Switch among areas in the Help window; for example, switch between the toolbar, Type words to search for box, and Search list. In a Table of Contents in tree view, select the next or previous item, respectively. In a Table of Contents in tree view, expand or collapse the selected item, respectively.



F6 (until the focus is in the Type words to search for box), TAB, DOWN ARROW F6 F6


Microsoft Office basics Display and use windows To do this Switch to the next window. Switch to the previous window. Close the active window. Broadcast the open presentation to a remote audience using the PowerPoint web application. Move to the next task pane from another pane in the program window (clockwise direction). You may need to press F6 more than once. NOTE If pressing F6 does not display the task pane that you want, press ALT to put the focus on the Ribbon, and then press CTRL+TAB to move to the task pane. Move to a pane from another pane in the program window (counterclockwise direction). When more than one PowerPoint window is open, switch to the next PowerPoint window. Switch to the previous PowerPoint window. Copy a picture of the screen to the Clipboard. Copy a picture of the selected window to the Clipboard. Change or resize the font To do this Change the font. Change the font size. Increase the font size of the selected text. Decrease the font size of the selected text. Move around in text or cells To do this Press Press CTRL+SHIFT+F CTRL+SHIFT+P CTRL+SHIFT+> CTRL+SHIFT+< SHIFT+F6 CTRL+F6 CTRL+SHIFT+F6 PRINT SCREEN ALT+PRINT SCREEN Press ALT+TAB, TAB ALT+SHIFT+TAB, TAB CTRL+W or CTRL+F4 CTRL+F5 F6

Move one character to the left. Move one character to the right. Move one line up. Move one line down. Move one word to the left. Move one word to the right. Move to the end of a line. Move to the beginning of a line. Move up one paragraph. Move down one paragraph. Move to the end of a text box. Move to the beginning of a text box. In Microsoft Office PowerPoint, move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide. Repeat the last Find action. Find and replace To do this Open the Find dialog box. Open the Replace dialog box. Repeat the last Find action. To do this Move to the next cell. Move to the preceding cell. Move to the next row. Press CTRL+F CTRL+H SHIFT+F4 Press TAB SHIFT+TAB DOWN ARROW



Move around in and work in tables

Move to the preceding row. Insert a tab in a cell. Start a new paragraph. Add a new row at the bottom of the table. Access and use task panes To do this


Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window. (You may need to press F6 more than once.) When a task pane is active, select the next or previous option in the task pane, respectively. Display the full set of commands on the task pane menu. Move among choices on a selected submenu; move among certain options in a group of options in a dialog box. Open the selected menu, or perform the action assigned to the selected button. Open a shortcut menu; open a drop-down menu for the selected gallery item. When a menu or submenu is visible, select the first or last command, respectively, on the menu or submenu. Scroll up or down in the selected gallery list, respectively. Move to the top or bottom of the selected gallery list, respectively. Close a task pane. Open the Clipboard.
Resize a task pane

1. In the task pane, press CTRL+SPACEBAR to display a menu of additional commands. 2. Use the DOWN ARROW key to select the Size command, and then press ENTER. 3. Use the arrow keys to resize the task pane. Use CTRL+ the arrow keys to resize one pixel at a time. Use dialog boxes To do this Move to the next option or option group. Press TAB

Move to the previous option or option group. Switch to the next tab in a dialog box. (A tab must already be selected in an open dialog box) Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box. (A tab must already be selected in an open dialog box) Open a selected drop-down list. Open the list if it is closed and move to an option in the list. Move between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options. Perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the selected check box. Select an option; select or clear a check box. Perform the action assigned to a default button in a dialog box. Close a selected drop-down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box. Use edit boxes within dialog boxes To do this Move to the beginning of the entry. Move to the end of the entry. Move one character to the left or right, respectively. Move one word to the left. Move one word to the right. Select or cancel selection one character to the left. Select or cancel selection one character to the right. Select or cancel selection one word to the left. Select or cancel selection one word to the right. Select from the cursor to the beginning of the entry. Select from the cursor to the end of the entry.

SHIFT+TAB DOWN ARROW UP ARROW DOWN ARROW, ALT+DOWN ARROW First letter of an option in a drop-down list UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW SPACEBAR The letter underlined in an option ENTER ESC


Use the Open and Save As dialog boxes To do this Open the Open dialog box Open the Save As dialog box Move between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options Display a shortcut menu for a selected item, such as a folder or file. Move between options or areas in the dialog box. Open the filepath drop-down menu Refresh the file list. Press ALT+F then O ALT+F then A Arrow keys SHIFT+F10 TAB F4 or ALT+I F5

Common tasks in Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Move between panes To do this Move clockwise among panes in Normal view. Move counterclockwise among panes in Normal view. Switch between Slides and Outline tabs in the Outline and Slides pane in Normal view. Work in an outline To do this Promote a paragraph. Demote a paragraph. Move selected paragraphs up. Move selected paragraphs down. Show heading level 1. Expand text below a heading. Collapse text below a heading. Press ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW ALT+SHIFT+1 ALT+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN ALT+SHIFT+MINUS SIGN Press F6 SHIFT+F6 CTRL+SHIFT+TAB

Work with shapes, pictures, boxes, objects, and WordArt 1. Press and release ALT, then N, then S, then H to select Shapes.

2. Use the arrow keys to move through the categories of shapes, and select the shape that you want. 3. Press CTRL+ENTER to insert the shape that you selected. 1. Press and release ALT, then N, and then X. 2. Press CTRL+ENTER to insert the text box. 1. Press and release ALT, then N, then J to select Object. 2. Use the arrow keys to move through the objects. 3. Press CTRL+ENTER to insert the object that you want. 1. Press and release ALT, then N, then W to select WordArt. 2. Use the arrow keys to select the WordArt style that you want, and then press ENTER. 3. Type the text that you want. To select a single shape, press the TAB key to cycle forward (or SHIFT+TAB to cycle backward) through the objects until sizing handles appear on the object that you want to select. To select multiple items, use the selection pane. To group shapes, pictures, or WordArt objects, select the items that you want to group, and then press CTRL+G. To ungroup a group, select the group, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+G. To do this Show or hide the grid. Show or hide guides. Press SHIFT+F9 ALT+F9

1. Select the shape with the attributes that you want to copy. NOTE If you select a shape with text, you copy the look and style of the text in addition to the attributes of the shape. 2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy the object attributes. 3. Press the TAB key or SHIFT+TAB to select the object that you want to copy the attributes to. 4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+V. Select text and objects To do this Select one character to the right. Select one character to the left. Press SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW SHIFT+LEFT ARROW

Select to the end of a word. Select to the beginning of a word. Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line). Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line). Select an object (when the text inside the object is selected). Select another object (when one object is selected). Select text within an object (with an object selected). Select all objects. Select all slides. Select all text. Delete and copy text and objects To do this Delete one character to the left. Delete one word to the left. Delete one character to the right.


Delete one word to the right. NOTE The cursor must be between words to do this. Cut selected object or text. Copy selected object or text. Paste cut or copied object or text. Undo the last action. Redo the last action. Copy formatting only. Paste formatting only. Open Paste Special dialog box. Move around in text

To do this Move one character to the left. Move one character to the right. Move one line up. Move one line down. Move one word to the left. Move one word to the right. Move to the end of a line. Move to the beginning of a line. Move up one paragraph. Move down one paragraph. Move to the end of a text box. Move to the beginning of a text box. Move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide. Move to repeat the last Find action. Move around in and work on tables To do this Move to the next cell. Move to the preceding cell. Move to the next row. Move to the preceding row. Insert a tab in a cell. Start a new paragraph. Add a new row at the bottom of the table. Edit a linked or embedded object Press TAB SHIFT+TAB DOWN ARROW UP ARROW CTRL+TAB ENTER



TAB at the end of the last row

1. Press TAB OR SHIFT+TAB to select the object that you want. 2. Press SHIFT+F10 for the shortcut menu. 3. Use the DOWN ARROW until Worksheet Object is selected, press RIGHT ARROW to select Edit, and press ENTER. NOTE The name of the command in the shortcut menu depends on the type of embedded or linked object. For example, an embedded Microsoft Office Excel worksheet has the command Worksheet Object, whereas an embedded Microsoft Office Visio Drawing has the command Visio Object. Format and align characters and paragraphs To do this Open the Font dialog box to change the font. Increase the font size. Decrease the font size. To do this Open the Font dialog box to change the formatting of characters. Change the case of letters between sentence, lowercase, or uppercase. Apply bold formatting. Apply an underline. Apply italic formatting. Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing). Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing). Remove manual character formatting, such as subscript and superscript. Insert a hyperlink. To do this Copy formats. Paste formats. To do this Press CTRL+SHIFT+C CTRL+SHIFT+V Press Press CTRL+SHIFT+F CTRL+SHIFT+> CTRL+SHIFT+< Press CTRL+T SHIFT+F3 CTRL+B CTRL+U CTRL+I CTRL+EQUAL SIGN CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN CTRL+SPACEBAR CTRL+K

Center a paragraph. Justify a paragraph. Left align a paragraph. Right align a paragraph. Run a presentation To do this


Start a presentation from the beginning. Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide. Perform the previous animation or return to the previous slide. Go to slide number. Display a blank black slide, or return to the presentation from a blank black slide. Display a blank white slide, or return to the presentation from a blank white slide. Stop or restart an automatic presentation. End a presentation. Erase on-screen annotations. Go to the next slide, if the next slide is hidden. Set new timings while rehearsing. Use original timings while rehearsing. Use mouse-click to advance while rehearsing. Re-record slide narration and timing Return to the first slide. Show or hide the arrow pointer Change the pointer to a pen. Change the pointer to an arrow.

Change the pointer to an eraser Show or hide ink markup Hide the pointer and navigation button immediately. Hide the pointer and navigation button in 15 seconds. View the All Slides dialog box View the computer task bar Display the shortcut menu. Go to the first or next hyperlink on a slide. Go to the last or previous hyperlink on a slide. Perform the "mouse click" behavior of the selected hyperlink. Play media clips during a presentation To do this Play or pause media Stop media playback Go to the next bookmark Go to the previous bookmark Increase the sound volume Decrease the sound volume Seek forward Seek backward Nudge forward Nudge backward Mute the sound Browse Web presentations To do this



Move forward through the hyperlinks in a Web presentation, the Address bar, and the Links bar.

Move back through the hyperlinks in a Web presentation, the Address bar, and the Links bar. Perform the "mouse click" behavior of the selected hyperlink. Go to the next slide. Use the Selection pane feature To do this Cycle the focus through the different panes. Display the context menu. Move the focus to a single item or group. Move the focus from an item in a group to its parent group. Move the focus from a group to the first item in that group. Expand a focused group and all its child groups. Expand a focused group. Collapse a focused group. Move the focus to an item and select it. Select a focused item. Cancel selection of a focused item. Move a selected item forward. Move a selected item backward. Show or hide a focused item. Rename a focused item. Switch the keyboard focus within the Selection pane between tree view and the Show All and Hide All buttons. Collapse all groups. NOTE The focus must be in the tree view of the Selection pane to use this shortcut. Press F6 SHIFT+F10 UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW LEFT ARROW RIGHT ARROW * (on numeric keypad only) + (on numeric keypad only) - (on numeric keypad only)




Expand all groups.


To assign custom keyboard shortcuts to menu items, recorded macros, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code in Office PowerPoint 2007, you must use a third-party add-in, such as Shortcut Manager for PowerPoint, which is available from OfficeOne Add-Ins for PowerPoint.

Apply a template to your presentation

NOTE To understand the purpose of a PowerPoint template, see What is a PowerPoint template? When you want your presentation to contain thoughtful arrangement of elements and color, fonts, effects, style, and layout to your plain slides, apply a template (.potx file). This will give you a jump-start on a new, blank presentation. You can apply templates that are built-in to PowerPoint, created by you and then saved to your computer, or downloaded from Microsoft or third-party Web sites. To download templates from Microsoft, see the options available from thePowerPoint Template categories on To apply a template, do the following: 1. On the File tab, click New. 2. Under Available Templates and Themes, do one of the following:

To reuse a template that you've recently used, click Recent Templates. To use a template that you installed to your local drive previously, click My Templates, click the template that you want, and then click OK. Under Templates, click a template category, select a template, and then click Download to download the template from to your local drive. PowerPoint>Using templates What is a PowerPoint template?

Overview of a PowerPoint template Links to more information about PowerPoint templates Overview of a PowerPoint template NOTES

To create a PowerPoint template, see Create a PowerPoint template. To apply a PowerPoint template, see Apply a template to your presentation. A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that you save as a .potx file. Templates can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content. Forms Inventories Labels Memos Plans Purchase orders Resumes Statements Gift certificates Invitations Letters Minutes Planners Receipts Schedules Stationary Greeting cards Invoices Lists Newsletters Postcards Reports Schedules Time sheets

Most templates include the following components:

Subject matter-specific content, such as Certificate of Achievement, Soccer, and the soccer ball image Background formatting, such as pictures, texture, gradient or solid fill color, and transparency. This example shows the light blue solid fill background Color, fonts, effects (3-D, lines, fills, shadows, etc.), and theme design elements (such as the color and gradient effects inside the word Soccer) Text in placeholdersthat prompt people to enter specific information, such as Player's name, Name of coach, Date of presentation, and any variable, such as the year (2007) You can manually wrap text around a square object by inserting multiple text boxes around the object. 1. Insert your image into your PowerPoint slide. If you are unsure how to do this, refer to the article Insert a picture or clip art. TIP You may want to use the ruler and gridlines to measure and lay out your slide. On the View tab, in the Show/Hide group, select the Ruler and Gridlines check boxes. The ruler appears above your slide and the slide displays gridlines in one inch (1) increments.

2. Position your object where you want it on the slide. Consider how you want your image to be positioned in relation to your text. For example, do you want your image to be completely surrounded by text? Or do you maybe want the image on the right or left with the text next to it? In the following example, the image is surrounded by text. To do that, four text boxes were put around the object: one above, one on the left, another on the right, and a final one below the object.

3. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Text Box. Modify the width and position of the first text box so that it will fit the text you wish to write, and then type your text. 4. After you fill up all of the space in your first text box, insert another two text boxes (one to the right and the other to the left of your image). Again, you will need to modify the width of the text box and position it so that it fits your text.

TIP You may want to use the Snap objects to grid feature to hold your clip art and text boxes in place. If you are unsure how to do this, refer to the article Turn the snap to grid and snap to object options on or off 5. Continue adding text boxes and writing text until you have the layout that you want.

TIP You may also want to arrange your text boxes so that they are aligned with each other. For more information on arranging text boxes, refer to the article Align or arrange a picture, shape, text box, SmartArt graphic, or WordArt. Top of Page Wrap text around an irregular object PowerPoint>Working with text

Add alternative text to a shape, picture, chart, table, SmartArt graphic, or other object Show All You can create alternative text (alt text or Alt Text) for shapes, pictures, charts, tables, SmartArt graphics, or other objects in your Office document. Alternative text helps people with screen readers understand the content of pictures. When you use a screen reader to view your document, or save it to a file format such as HTML or DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System), alternative text appears when you move the pointer over a picture in most browsers. This article discusses adding alternative text to a shape, picture, chart, table, SmartArt graphic, or other object and shows you how you can make the Alt Text command always available. What do you want to do? Add Alt Text Make the Alt Text command readily available ADD ALT TEXT Which Office program are you using? Excel Outlook PowerPoint Word EXCEL 1. Do one of the following:

For a shape, picture, chart, SmartArt graphic, or other object, right-click it, click Format object, and then click the Alt Text pane. To add Alt Text to the entire SmartArt graphic or chart, click the border of the SmartArt graphic or chart, and not an individual shape or piece. For a table, right-click the table, click Table, and then click Alternative Text. For a PivotTable, right-click it, point to PivotTable Options, and then click Alt Text. PivotTable, SmartArt graphic, or other object. This box should always be filled in.


2. In the Description box, enter an explanation of the shape, picture, chart, table,

3. If you want, in the Title box, enter a brief summary. This box should only be filled in if you are entering a detailed or long explanation in the Description box. NOTE Unless you have a complex chart or table, you will usually want to enter text in just the Description box. When you have complex content to describe, then filling in the Title field is useful so reading the full description is not necessary unless desired. Top of Page POWERPOINT 1. Do one of the following:

For a shape, picture, chart, table, SmartArt graphic, or other object, right-click it, click Format object, and then click the Alt Text pane. To add Alt Text to the entire SmartArt graphic or chart, click the border of the SmartArt graphic or chart, and not an individual shape or piece.

2. In the Description box, enter an explanation of the shape, picture, chart, table, SmartArt graphic, or other object. This box should always be filled in. 3. If you want, in the Title box, enter a brief summary. This box should only be filled in if you are entering a detailed or long explanation in the Description box. NOTE Unless you have a complex chart or table, you will usually want to enter text in just the Description box. When you have complex content to describe, then filling in the Title field is useful so reading the full description is not necessary unless desired. WORD 1. Do one of the following:

For a shape, picture, chart, SmartArt graphic, or other object, right-click it, click Format object, and then click the Alt Text pane. To add Alt Text to the entire SmartArt graphic or chart, click the border of the SmartArt graphic or chart, and not an individual shape or piece. For a table, right-click the table, click Table Properties, and then click the Alt Text tab. SmartArt graphic, or other object. This box should always be filled in.

2. In the Description box, enter an explanation of the shape, picture, chart, table, 3. If you want, in the Title box, enter a brief summary. This box should only be filled in if you are entering a detailed or long explanation in the Description box. NOTE Unless you have a complex chart or table, you will usually want to enter text in just the Description box. When you have complex content to describe, then filling in the Title field is useful so reading the full description is not necessary unless desired.

Top of Page Make the Alt Text command readily available If you frequently add alternative text to shapes, pictures, charts, tables, SmartArt graphics, or other objects, you can add the Alt Text command to the Quick Access Toolbar to create a shortcut to it. 1. In the upper-left corner above the Ribbon, click Customize Quick Access Toolbar . 2. Click More Commands, and then under Choose commands from click Commands Not in the Ribbon. 3. Click Alt Text and then click Add. To use the Alt Text command on the Quick Access Toolbar, select the shape, picture, chart, table, SmartArt graphic, or other object, before you click the toolbar button, and then add your alternative text. Remove a hyperlink from text or an object To remove a hyperlink from text or an object in your presentation that links to a different slide in the presentation, a slide in another presentation, an e-mail address, a Web page, or a file, do the following: 1. Select the text or object that you want to remove the hyperlink from. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Hyperlink, and then in the Edit Hyperlink dialog box, click Remove Link.

Remove a link from an object (a picture in this case) PowerPoint>Working with pictures Insert a picture or clip art Show All You can insert or copy pictures and clip art into an Excel worksheet or a PowerPoint presentation from many different sources, including downloading from a clip art Web site provider, copying from a Web page, or inserting from a folder where you save pictures. You can also use pictures and clip art as backgrounds for your slides in PowerPoint. This article discusses inserting pictures or clip art in Excel or PowerPoint. For information about how to insert pictures or clip art in Word, see Insert a picture or clip art. For information about how to insert a screenshot, see Insert a screenshot. What do you want to do? Insert clip art

Insert a picture from a file Insert a picture from a Web page Apply a picture style Use a picture or clip as a slide background Insert clip art Which Office program are you using? Excel PowerPoint EXCEL 1. Open the spreadsheet that you want to add clip art to. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Clip Art.

3. In the Clip Art task pane, in the Search for text box, type a word or phrase that describes the clip art that you want, or type all or some of the file name of the clip art. To narrow your search, in the Results should be list, select the check boxes next to Illustrations, Photographs, Videos, and Audio to search those media types. 4. Click Go. 5. In the list of results, click the clip art to insert it. POWERPOINT 1. Click the slide that you want to add the clip art to. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Images group, click Clip Art.

3. In the Clip Art task pane, in the Search for text box, type a word or phrase that describes the clip art that you want, or type all or some of the file name of the clip art.

To narrow your search, in the Results should be list, select the check boxes next to Illustrations, Photographs, Videos, and Audio to search those media types. 4. Click Go. 5. In the list of results, click the clip art to insert it. TIP To insert clip art into the notes pages of your presentation, switch to Notes Page view, and then do the steps above. Top of Page Insert a picture from a file NOTE To insert a picture from your scanner or camera, use the scanner or camera software to transfer the picture to your computer. Save the picture, and then insert it by following the instructions below. For more information about how to transfer a picture file from your camera or scanner to your computer, see the documentation included with the camera or scanner. Which Office program are you using? Excel PowerPoint EXCEL 1. Click where you want to insert the picture. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture.

3. Locate the picture that you want to insert, and then double-click it. For example, you might have a picture file located in My Documents. To add multiple pictures, press and hold CTRL while you click the pictures that you want to insert, and then click Insert. 4. To resize a picture, select the picture you have inserted in the spreadsheet. To increase or decrease the size in one or more directions, drag a sizing handle away from or toward the center, while you do one of the following:

To keep the center of an object in the same location, press and hold CTRL while you drag the sizing handle. To maintain the object's proportions, press and hold SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle. To both maintain the object's proportions and keep its center in the same location, press and hold both CTRL and SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle. NOTES Adding pictures can significantly increase the file size of your workbook. You can control this file size by making choices about the resolution of a picture and the quality or compression of a picture. For more information, see Reduce the file size of a picture. If you insert a picture using the Link to File or Insert and Link options, make changes such as adding artistic effects, select the Discard editing data under Image Size and Quality options (under Options, Advanced tab) and then save the file, when you reopen the file, you will see the original picture. This occurs because the picture editing data has been deleted. To keep both the link and the edits, do not select the Discard editing data check box. Link to File adds a link to the picture and that is the only source for the picture. If you open the workbook without access to the file location you will see a red X instead of your picture. Insert and Link links to the picture, but also adds a copy to the file. If you open the workbook without access to the file location you see the embedded picture. POWERPOINT

1. Click where you want to insert the picture. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Images group, click Picture.

3. Locate the picture that you want to insert, and then double-click it. For example, you might have a picture file located in My Documents. To add multiple pictures, press and hold CTRL while you click the pictures that you want to insert, and then click Insert. 4. To resize a picture, select the picture you have inserted in the slide. To increase or decrease the size in one or more directions, drag a sizing handle away from or toward the center, while you do one of the following:

To keep the center of an object in the same location, press and hold CTRL while you drag the sizing handle. To maintain the object's proportions, press and hold SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle. To both maintain the object's proportions and keep its center in the same location, press and hold both CTRL and SHIFT while you drag the sizing handle. NOTES Adding pictures can significantly increase the file size of your presentation. You can control this file size by making choices about the resolution of a picture and the quality or compression of a picture. For more information, see Reduce the file size of a picture. If you insert a picture using the Link to File or Insert and Link options, make changes such as adding artistic effects, select the Discard editing data under Image Size and Quality options (under Options, Advanced tab) and then save the file, when you reopen the file, you will see the original picture. This occurs because the picture editing data has been deleted. To keep both the link and the edits, do not select the Discard editing data check box. Link to File adds a link to the picture and that is the only source for the picture. If you open the presentation without access to the file location you will see a red X instead of your picture. Insert and Link links to the picture, but also adds a copy to the file. If you open the presentation without access to the file location you see the embedded picture. Apply a picture style APPLIES TO BOTH EXCEL AND POWERPOINT You can apply a picture style to make your picture or clip stand out in your spreadsheet or presentation. Picture styles are combinations of different formatting options, such as picture border and picture effects, and are displayed in thumbnails in the Picture Styles gallery. When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the Picture Style looks before you apply it.

1. Click the picture or clip that you want to apply a picture style to. 2. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab in the Picture Styles group, click the click the Picture Style that you want.

Example of Picture Styles group in PowerPoint If you do not see the Format or Picture Tools tabs, make sure that you have selected a picture. You may have to double-click the picture to select it and open the Format tab. To see more Picture Styles, click the Morebutton Use a picture or clip as a slide background APPLIES ONLY TO POWERPOINT 1. Click the slide that you want to add a background picture to. To select multiple slides, click the first slide, and then press and hold CTRL while you click the other slides. 2. On the Design tab, in the Background group, click the Dialog Box Launcher . .

3. Click Fill, and then click Picture or texture fill. 4. Under Insert From, do one of the following:

To insert a picture from a file, click File, locate the picture that you want to insert, and then double-click it. To paste a picture that you copied, click Clipboard. To use clip art as a background picture, click Clip Art, and then in the Search text box, type a word or phrase that describes the clip that you want, or type all or part of the file name of the clip, click Go, and then click the clip to insert it. Format Object (Size pane) IMPORTANT When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your picture, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your picture without closing the dialog box. However, since the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbarfor each change that you want to remove.


You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between. You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the picture and the dialog box at the same time. SIZE AND ROTATE Height To specify the height you want for the selected shape, picture, or other object, enter a number in the box. The Height and Width settings are always the dimensions of an unrotated object. Alternatively, you can adjust the height as a percentage of the original size of the shape, picture, or other object, by entering a percentage in the Height box under Scale. If the Lock aspect ratio check box is selected, the Height and Width settings change in relation to one another. Width To specify the width you want for the selected shape, picture, or other object, enter a number in the box. The Height and Width settings are always the dimensions of an unrotated object. Alternatively, you can adjust the width as a percentage of the original size of the shape, picture, or other object, by entering a percentage in the Width box under Scale. If the Lock aspect ratio check box is selected, the Height and Width settings change in relation to one another. Rotation To rotate the selected shape, picture, or other object in a clockwise direction, enter the amount in degrees (from zero to 359) that you want it rotated in the box. The Height and Width settings are always the dimensions of an unrotated object. SCALE Height To specify the height you want for the selected shape, picture, or other object as a percentage of the original size, enter a number in the box. The Height and Width settings are always the dimensions of an unrotated shape, picture, or other object. Alternatively you can adjust the height by entering an exact measurement in the Height box under Size and rotate. If the Lock aspect ratio check box is selected, the Height and Width settings change in relation to one another. Width To specify the width you want for the selected shape, picture, or other object as a percentage of the original size, enter a number in the box. The Height and Width settings are always the dimensions of an unrotated shape, picture, or object. Alternatively you can adjust the width by entering an exact measurement in the Width box under Size and rotate. If the Lock aspect ratio check box is selected, the Height and Width settings change in relation to one another.

Lock aspect ratioTo have the Height and Width settings change in relation to one another, select this check box. Relative to original picture sizeTo have the Height and Width percentages under Scale calculated based on the original size of the picture, select this check box. This option is available only when a picture is selected. Best scale for slide show (PowerPoint only)To have the Height and Width percentages under Scale automatically adjusted to the ideal size for viewing in a slide show, select this check box. This option is available only when a picture is selected. If you select this check box, click the resolution of your slide show monitor in the Resolution box. ORIGINAL SIZE Height Shows the height of the picture or shape when it was inserted into your Office file. Width Shows the width of the picture or shape when it was inserted into your Office file. RESET Reset To remove all size, rotation, and scaling changes, and restore the picture, shape, or other object to its original size, click this button. Depending on the original size of the picture, the picture can expand outside the document when you reset it. Format Object (Position pane) Show All NOTES When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your shape, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your shape or other object without closing the dialog box. However, since the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar or each change that you want to remove. You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between. You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the shape and the dialog box at the same time. Position on slide

Horizontal alignmentTo specify the amount of space you want between the left edge of the shape or object and the left edge of the slide, enter a number in the box. Position settings are always relative to an unrotated shape or object. From To specify the point from which you want to position the left edge of the selected shape or object, click an option in the list. Vertical alignmentTo specify the amount of space you want between the top edge of the shape or object and the top of the slide, enter a number in the box. Position settings are always relative to an unrotated shape or object. From To specify the point from which you want to position the top edge of the selected shape or object, click an option in the list. Format Object (Position pane) Show All NOTES When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your shape, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your shape or other object without closing the dialog box. However, since the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar or each change that you want to remove. You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between. You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the shape and the dialog box at the same time. Position on slide Horizontal alignmentTo specify the amount of space you want between the left edge of the shape or object and the left edge of the slide, enter a number in the box. Position settings are always relative to an unrotated shape or object. From To specify the point from which you want to position the left edge of the selected shape or object, click an option in the list. Vertical alignmentTo specify the amount of space you want between the top edge of the shape or object and the top of the slide, enter a number in the box. Position settings are always relative to an unrotated shape or object. From To specify the point from which you want to position the top edge of the selected shape or object, click an option in the list.

Format Object (Position pane) Show All NOTES When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your shape, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your shape or other object without closing the dialog box. However, since the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar or each change that you want to remove. You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between. You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the shape and the dialog box at the same time. Position on slide Horizontal alignmentTo specify the amount of space you want between the left edge of the shape or object and the left edge of the slide, enter a number in the box. Position settings are always relative to an unrotated shape or object. From To specify the point from which you want to position the left edge of the selected shape or object, click an option in the list. Vertical alignmentTo specify the amount of space you want between the top edge of the shape or object and the top of the slide, enter a number in the box. Position settings are always relative to an unrotated shape or object. From To specify the point from which you want to position the top edge of the selected shape or object, click an option in the list.Format Object (Text Box pane) Show All IMPORTANT When you change options in this dialog box, the changes are immediately applied to your shape or text box, making it easy to see the effects of the changes in your text box, shape, or other object, without closing the dialog box. However, since the changes are instantly applied, it is not possible to click Cancel in this dialog box. To remove changes, you must click Undo want to remove. You can simultaneously undo multiple changes that you made to one dialog box option, as long as you did not make changes to another dialog box option in between. on the Quick Access Toolbar for each change that you

You may want to move the dialog box so that you can see both the shape and the dialog box at the same time. TEXT LAYOUT Vertical alignmentTo specify the vertical position of the text in a shape, select an option from the list. Text directionTo specify the orientation of the text in a shape, select an option from the list. AUTOFIT Do not AutoFitTo turn off the automatic resizing, click this button. Shrink text on overflowTo make the text reduce in size to fit within the shape, click this button. Resize shape to fit textTo increase the size of the shape vertically so that the text fits inside of it, click this button. INTERNAL MARGIN The internal margin is the distance between the text and the outer border of a shape or object. You can increase or decrease the amount of this space by using the options below. Left To specify the distance between the left border of a shape and the text, enter the new margin number in the box. Right To specify the distance between the right border of a shape and the text, enter the new margin number in the box. Top To specify the distance between the top border of a shape and the text, enter the new margin number in the box. Bottom To specify the distance between the bottom border of a shape and the text, enter the new margin number in the box. Wrap text in shapeTo have text appear on multiple lines inside of a shape, select this check box. Columns To specify the number of columns of text in a shape and the spacing between the columns, click this button. Number To specify the number of columns of text in a shape, enter a number in the box. Spacing To specify the spacing between the columns of text in a shape, enter a number in the box.

Right-to-Left columnsSelect this option to specify that the columns of text in the shape flow from right to left. This option displays only if you enable support for right-to-left languages.

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