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Mini verse 1

This day I will marry my friend, the one who shares my dreams. Mini verse 2 One love that is shared by two. Mini verse 3 As our marriage brings new meaning to love so our love brings new meaning to life. Mini verse 4 This day I will marry my friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love. Mini verse 5 Our wedding day a new life has its start. We'll share with each other one love, one dream, on heart. Mini verse 6 Love fills the moment, and the moment begins eternity Love fills a lifetime, and a lifetime begins this hour. Mini verse 7 Two hearts that beat as one... Mini verse 8 And the two shall become one... Mini verse 9 How beautiful is the day that is touched by Love. Mini verse 10 To have and to hold from this day forward. Mini verse 11 Our life together begins this day... Mini verse 12 For hearing my thoughts, understanding my dreams, and being my best friend... For filling my life with music and loving me without end... I do Mini verse 13 I cant honestly say that i was looking for u, And i doubt if u were looking for me...But i happened...And here we are...two people, Just happy being together, Not knowing where to go, Bu very sure, that wherever it is, Well be going there...together. Mini verse 14 I seem to have loved you in infinite forms, infinite times, in life after life, in age after age forever.

~ Rabindarath Tagore Mini verse 15 This day for us is special, A time beyond compare. The joy we feel deep in our hearts, We hope you will come and share. Your presence there with us, Means more than words can say. Please try to be there To celebrate this special day. Mini verse 16 Love knows no limit to its endurance,no end to its trust. Love still stands, when all else has fallen. ~1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 Mini verse 17 A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin Mini verse 18 Oh God Let all lovers be content, Give them happy endings, Let their lives be celebrations, Let their hearts dance in the fire of your love. ~Jalal Al-Din Rumi Persian poet, 1207- 1273 Mini verse 19 Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminating the surrounding earth. It enables us to perceive life as a beautiful dream between one awakening and another. ~Khalil Gibran

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