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Dear <name>,

As a real estate professional, the most valuable asset my business has is you.
Staying in touch with you – and clients like you – allows me to grow my business
through referrals and dedicate more time to serving a select group of people.

That’s why in this changing and often-times confusing market, I’ve committed to
communicating with you more than ever before. I have expanded my service offerings to
providing you with total before and after-sale service, including delivery of RESPA
statements, the most comprehensive market trends and insight into topics of concern. I
want to be the Number One source for all your real estate needs.

I also hope that you will communicate with me. Feel free to contact me anytime at
(e-mail address) or (phone) with a question, a special request, or just to chat about what’s
going on in the real estate market. And of course, I greatly appreciate your referrals. The
more I have an opportunity to work with clients like you, the more I enjoy my business.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

Warmest regards,
<Your Name>

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