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Language Development

The following factors influence a childs language development:

Health (physical and emotional) Hearing Environment

Some suggestions to facilitate language development:

Spend quality time interacting with your child Play with your child Parallel talk talk as you play, providing a running commentary: big block, another big block, all fall down etc Build up a vocabulary of basic words (see attached list for suggestions, but adapt it to suit your childs environment) Introduce new words gradually; do not demand repetition, simply model the use of these words often When your child attempts to say a word, accept it as it is said and repeat the word correctly eg: Child: tar Mum: Yes, car Expand one word utterances eg: Child: ball Mum: big ball Provide a need to talk dont give before being asked eg: Child points to cup Mum: Water? Child points Mum: Water or milk? (Encourage the child to attempt the word, water) Look at books and talk about the pictures Say action rhymes and sing songs Dont make unrealistic demands Enjoy spending time with your child

The Speech and Learning Centre

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