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We begin a new series around the season of Lent . Lent is the time leading up to Easter.

Come and hear more about Jesus and His life!

Jesus was teaching to a large crowd of people in a house in Capernaum. Four people came carrying a man on a mat. The mans legs were twisted and he couldnt walk. His friends had heard that Jesus had the power to heal the sick. They had brought their friend to be healed. People were crowded around the door. The men could not get in. In those days, most houses had stairs on the outside that went up to the roof. The men carried their friend up the stairs. They took some tiles off the roof. They made a big opening. They lowered the mat down to the center of the room where Jesus stood. Jesus saw how much faith the mans friends had. He said to the crippled man, Your sins are forgiven. Some people were upset at Jesus, but Jesus looked at the man and said, Get up! Pick up your mat and go home! Mark 2:1-12

Remember to bring your offering money to help our two sponsored children through Compassion International!

February 26, 2012

Keep your eyes and ears open each day to learn about people who might not have the things they need. How can you be the hands and feet of God and help them? What do have you give away to others?

Why was the man called a fool?

Pray these words: Lord God, please show us how to use our time and our blessings to serve you and others. Thank you for everything. Amen.

What are some really special things in your life? Talk about why it is more important to have God in your life than things.

Spend some time tonight as a family creating a Thank You, God poster or collage. Draw pictures or use magazine cutouts to design a picture of everything you can be thankful to God for. Remember tot hank God each day for your many blessings.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

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