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On p. 52, the Chief Elder says, Today we honor your differences. They have determined your futures.

Why does she highlight differences this way? Why does the audience react as it does to skipping Jonas? Do you think that the Chief Elder understands what a Receiver is? How do you feel about Jonass parents reaction to his assignment? Why is Jonas exempt from the rules concerning lying? Chapter 10-12 Why is the Receivers job important? Why are the new words that Jonas learns in chapter 11 important? Why does the Giver no longer recall the memories he gives to Jonas? What does this say about how the Receivers job works? Why is the Giver silent on page 86? What is the importance of Jonass dream in chapter 12? How do the scientists make all colors the same if they cant see them? What do you think of the Givers observation at the bottom of page 95? (We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.) What do you think of what Jonas says about choice on pp. 97-98? What do the Givers comments about his spouse reveal about marital relations in this society? Why are the Givers consultations rare? Why does knowing that his family has never felt pain make Jonas feel lonely? Why does the Giver say that pain brings wisdom? Why doesnt Jonas tell the Giver about giving Gabriel a memory?

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