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The emergence of pornographic images of girls with Moroccan Spanish soldiers Bmrtl attained Prophethood close to a moral scandal

2007, cast members of local security Tetouan arrested two Spaniards, aged 34 years, and were preparing to travel to Afghanistan in the framework of UN troops, accompanied by a girl named (P), one of Ahbellah, Aktrella furnished apartment Bmrtal inadvertently used in the filming naked girls in the positions pornographic, compared to $ 1000 dirhams per night for the girl has been found through the disks that have been booked and there are girls who were identified, of whom the one called (h. i) has a shop in one of CS Tetouan, which made it possible to detect the presence of girls specialists in film permissible, and a security source said: "The girls were so consensually without coercion from A, and the mediator (j) which defined the two Spaniards on Her apartment is furnished and that claim (b), he drew his attention repeating a two in one phone call, saying: Coming Soon I will go to Afghanistan .. Which led him to inform the security authorities, believing that the person concerned, it may be the process of preparing for a terrorist attack, which led to the inspection of the apartment and found on the disks documented a group of girls naked in pornographic images, " This has surfaced recently intelligence report Spanish detect a group of furnished apartments Bmrtal, frequented by soldiers, Spaniards of corruption and prostitution, with the help of mediators Moroccans who knows them private and public Bmrtal, also appeared on the horizon city martial and Tangier bars and pornographic images of Moroccan company of Spanish soldiers in the apartments furnished, leaked by unknown assailants, which led to the alert security of both parties to the Moroccan and Spanish in order to know those involved on the other hand, the source tapes and pictures Alvdahih

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