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TO: Rev. Fr. Alfonso Marcelino Pea II FR: Sem. Dan Adrian A.

Gloria RE: Reaction paper DT: February 20 2012

The second documentary that we watched was about the exposition of conspiracy theories in the Church. It said that Jesus had a bloodline after his death and was married to Marry Magdalene. There are proofs to these allegations and according to the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, it is the secret of the Church which must never be revealed and when revealed, it will shake or even destroy the faith of the people. I must admit that what these people who did these theories about Jesus are truly creative. Truly, they are a great writer, making a buzz on the world but what is a lie is always a lie. They based their so called facts on Gnostic Gospels and a document which was made by Mr. Planktard who happened to be obsessed by himself and only wanted to make a name for himself. According to Descartes, a known liar cannot be trusted and why would they based their facts on revealed lies which are the heretic gospels and Mr. Planktard? It only shows that a good story can also be told in lies. What they did was a scandalous but for me, it strengthens my faith and my perseverance to find out the truth and abolish lies. However, it is really a good story about Jesus getting married and having children but at the end of the day, one must distinguish what is real and not and if ones faith is shaken by these conspiracies, go to a book store and one will see that their conspiracies are in the fiction section.

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