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Assignment CED 242 (Adult Education)

Strategy to remember I remember . I remember the boy but I dont remember the feeling anymore. This song contradicts the idea that remembering is easy if it is directly experienced. However, according to Craik, (1977), long term memory can be divided into semantic and episodic. Following the concept of episodic memory, events, particularly pains and heartaches, and activities in life, form part of long term memory, which I strongly agree. Therefore, the meaning of the song is not true. It is just a pretension. I remember events in my life. I remember my first crush when I was in grade four but I dont remember all the names of my classmates. I remember the day I had my first menstruation but I dont remember the date of my elementary graduation. I remember everything about my husband but I dont remember everything I learned from all of my subjects in PhD. I remember things when I personally encounter them, when I experience them. So how would I remember the learnings? I remember things using acronyms or mnemonics. J ot down notes. I used to write on any piece of paper. I even kept a diary. U nderline important terms and vocabulary words when reading. V erify these words in the dictionary for understanding. Y ell everytime I memorized stubborn words. M ap the concept to a thread of familiarity O rganize ideas according familiar to unknown J ust write and use important terms always A ssociate words with familiar things like R ead and read and read many times until it sinks into my head. E xplain relevance to day-to-day life S leep between reading and memorizing. When I feel sleepy, I sleep, then I remember.

Juvy G. Mojares

July 29, 2011

Assignment CED 242 (Adult Education)

Juvy G. Mojares

July 29, 2011

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