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Main .html <html> <Head> <title> E - Bots </title> </head> <Frameset rows="25%,75%"> <frame src="college.

html"> <frameset cols="25%,75%"> <frame src="side.html"> <frame src="welcome.html" name=f3> </frameset> </frameset> </html> College.html <html> <Head> <title> E - Bots </title> </head> <body bgcolor="d3a8ff" background="b1.gif"> <center><H1 ><font color="ffff62" > E - Bots </font></h1> <font face="bradley hand itc" color="ffff62">Dharmapuri</font><br> </center> <marquee BEHAVIOR="alternate"> <pre> <font face="broadway" color=ff0000>T E M P L E OF L E A R N I N G </font></pre></MARQUEE> </body> </html> Side.html <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>SIDE MENU</TITLE></HEAD>

<BODY> Dept. of CSE<BR> <hr> <A href = "course.html" target = f3 > Courses<BR> <A href =" lab.html " target =f3 > Lab Details</br> <A href =" place.html" target = f3 >Placement </br> </body> </html> Welcome.html <HTML> <HEAD> <style type = "text/css"> body div { background-color: #ccffcc } { text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: .10em }

</style><TITLE>SIDE MENU</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <center> <h1><font class ="thick groove" > Welcome to MCA Department </font></h1></center> </body> </html> Course.html <html> <body> <H3><CENTER><font color ="red" >Programme Offered </font></center></h3>

<OL> <LI> B.E Computer Science and Engineering <LI> M.E Computer Scinece and Engineering </ol> </body> </html> lab.html <html> <body> <H3><CENTER><font color ="red" >Lab facilities </font></center></h3> <p> The department has 5 Computer centre with 350 systems. All the computer centres are equipped with latest Pentium machines with sufficient power facilities. All the computer centers are air conditioned. The department has separate centre for Internet browsing. The internet browsing centre open on all working days from 9.00 am to 9.00 p.m. <p> </body> </html> Place.html <html> <body> <H3><CENTER><font color ="red" >Placement Details </font></center></h3> Totally 55 students of our department have been placed through various companies with good package. The list of companies where our students placed are <ol> <li> TCS <LI> CTS <li> Wipro Technologies <li> Satyam Comptuers <li> Hexaware Technologies </ol> </body>


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