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Conditioning Conditioning circuit #1: 10 burpees 10 hindu squats for time fast and effective if your in a hurry.

--Conditioning circuit #2: Density training as many rounds and possible in 10 minutes of 10 burpees 10 hindu squats 100 rope turns 5x 20 10 20 -Clap Pushups Dumbbell Swings each arm Squat Shoulder Press (explosively)

1 min jumprope 30 sec burpees (as fast as possible) 1 min jumprope 30 sec med ball slams (as fast as possible) x5 no rest 20 15 40 40 20 burpees pullups pushups bodyweight squats light Dumbbell Snatches

I repeat this circuit 10 times without rest between exercises. I rest 1 minute b etween circuits. 4 rounds of: 200x rope turns 15x db power clean & press(35lb) 20x burpees for time notes: this one is tough but an excellent S&C routine! here is quick but effective one: 10 rounds of: 10x burpees 10x T-handle swings(50-60lb) for time 10 10 10 10 x x x x BB Squats Deep Pushups T-Handle Swings Ring Dips

I usually complete 3-4 Circuits 7x 5x DB Snatches L/R

5x DB Swings L/R 5x Renegade Rows L/R 5x DB Squat Jump -----------------------6x 5x DB Thrusters (heavy) 5x DB Burpee-Clean 5x DB Lunges L/R -----------------------1x 25 x Burpees 25 x Burpee-Cleans (~65#) 25 x Burpee-Pullup 25 x Burpees -----------------------8x 4x Barbell Snatch 10x Pushups 10x Jumping Lunge L/R 6x Burpees -----------------------5x 15x DB Thrusters 6x Chinups -----------------------1,2,3,4...10: Pullups 10,9,8,7...1: Burpees -----------------------10x 6x Burpees 12x Squat Jumps -----------------------5x 5x 125kg Deadlift 10x Burpee 20 Burpees 1 Pull Up . . . . . . . 20 Pull Ups 1 Burpee for time. You can do first the 20 pull ups and 1 burpee it doesnt matter. 210 reps of each. 10 burpees 10 squats 10 Knuckle push ups 100 high knee dumbell press x 10 rounds (as quick as possible)

10 burpees 50 sledge hits(25 per arm) 10 sandbag carrys(of my garden suppose works out to about 150m) 100 skips x4rounds for time 2 minutes jump rope 30 seconds hindu squats 30 seconds push ups x8 rounds burpees in descending sets from 20-1 burpees in the following pyramid: 5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 10, 5, 5 each set to be followed with 9 towel pull ups. 10 Wall Runs 15 Russian Twists 15 Squats 20 Burpees 5 Rounds 10 barbell high pulls 10 barbell cleans 10 barbell overhead presses 10 barbell squats 10 barbell walking lunges 10 barbell stiff legged deadlifts 10 burpees x 3-5 rounds 1Round 1.Hindusquat x2min 2.Lunge x2min 3.Mountain climbers x2min 4.30 seconds rest 5.Wall squat x66seconds (then my but was on the floor 6.60 seconds rest 2round 1.Hindusquat x90 seconds 2.Lunge x90 seconds 3.Mountain climbers x90 seconds 4.30 seconds rest 5.wall squat x48 seconds(and down he goes!!!) 6.60 seconds rest 3round 1.Hindusquat x60 seconds 2.Lunge x60 seconds 3.Mountain climbers x60 seconds 4.30 seconds rest 5.wall squat x 38 ( shakin,pain, shakin, down to the floor) 6. 60 seconds rest 4round 1.Hindusquat x30seconds 2.Lunge x30 seconds

3.Mountain climbers X30 seconds 4.30 seconds rest 5.wall squat x32 seconds (i did have legs to carry me...phuuh) 6.NO REST Straight to the 5round 1.Hindusquat x15 seconds 2.Lunge x15 seconds 3.Mountain climbers x15seconds 4.wall squat 29 seconds( my legs just told me...there is HELL!!!) 6x 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jump rope 30 secs Mountain Climbers 30 secs Burpees 30 secs Split Jumps 30 secs Jumping Jacks 30 secs Speed punching 30 secs

-5 minutes of Tabata interval jumprope -150 v-ups -5 mintes of Tabata interval jumprope -125 Russian twists with 10# weight... feet off of floor -50 Russian twists with 25# weight... feet on floor -5 minutes of Tabata interval jumprope -50 right-side sit-ups on swiss ball -50 left-side sit-ups on swiss ball -5 minutes of Tabata interval jumprope -200 bicycle crunches -5 minutes of Tabata interval jumprope -60 seated reverse crunches (Feet together, push out to full leg extension, and back... no touching the floor with feet.) What the hell is this called anyway? -5 minutes of Tabata interval jumprope -3 minute round of burpee intervals (30 secs burpees and 30 secs shadowboxing) Jumping Pull-Ups x 1 minute BW Squats x 1 minute Wide-Grip Pushups x 1 minute Lunges x 30 seconds per leg Chinnies x 1 minute Knuckle Pushups x 1 minute Jumping Jacks x 1 minute Squat Jumps x 1 minute Band Shrugs x 1 minute V-Ups x 1 minute Bench Dips x 1 minute BW Sumo Squats x 1 minute Wall Pushups x 1 minute High Knee Run in Place x 1 minute Russian Twists x 1 minute Rest 1 minute Finish Bear Crawls x 30 seconds and Split Jumps x 30 seconds for a total of 3 mi nutes 3 minutes heavy bag (HB); 15 1 arm snatches w/KB; 3 minutes HB; 25 passthroughs with KB;

3 minutes HB; 10 1 arm KB swings; 3 minutes HB; 25 KB passthroughs; 3 minutes HB; farmer's walk 1/2 mile; 3 minutes HB; 16 lb sledge finisher 20 swings per arm 20 pushups 20 squats 20 jumping jacks 20 ball slams or snatches 5 rounds 5x Power Cleans (185 lbs - no press) 10x Burpees 15x Medicine Ball slams 20x Jumping Jacks x10 sets on a 2 min interval 30 seconds burpees 30 seconds jumping jacks with dumbells 30 seconds crab walk with kicks (breakdancing style) 30 seconds jumping jacks with dumbells 1 minute rest Run in place while pressing 5 pound dumbbells- 30 sec. Burps- 30 sec. Run in place (like there's no tomorrow)- 30 sec. Split Jumps- 30 sec. Up-Downs- 30 sec. Medicine Ball Slams- 30 sec. Rest 30-60 sec. Complete 4-6 times Heavy Bag Skill Work- 2 min. Lateral Jumps- 30 sec. Punch Out Drill- 30 sec. Rest 30-60 sec. Complete 4-6 times OR Power Boxing- 1 min. Lateral Jumps- 30 sec. Power Overs- 30 sec. Hindu Squats, Mountain Climbers, or Burpees- 30 sec. Punch Out Drill- 30 sec. Rest 30-60 sec. Complete 4-6 times Modified Tabata 1 Tabata 2 Tabata 3 Tabata 4 Sweet 16 - Press Ups, MB Chest Pass, Band Punches & Bag Punches (all repeated) - Pull Ups, MB Slams, Band Pulls & MB Swings (all repeated) - MB Squats, Squat Jumps, MB Lunges & Lunge Jumps (all repeated) - Jumping Jacks, Split Jumps, Spint, mountain Climbers (all repeated)

5 Pullups (deadhang, wide-grip) 10 Thrusters (20#-30# d-bells) 10 Pushups 10 Wall Balls (20# ball) 1 minute Jump Rope D-Bell Swing (2-Hand 40#) 10 Box Jumps (we use tailboard of pumper 24"?) 10 Bodyweight Dips 10 Burpees 10 Ball Slams (15# ball) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Pull Ups, MB Squats, Press Ups & MB Lunges (all repeated) Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Band Punches & Split Jumps (all repeated) Same as Tabata 1 Same as Tabata 2 Press Ups, MB Chest Pass, Band Punches & Bag Punches (all repeated) Pull Ups, MB Slams, Band Pulls & MB Swings (all repeated) MB Squats, Squat Jumps, MB Lunges & Lunge Jumps (all repeated) Jumping Jacks, Split Jumps, Sprint, Mountain Climbers (all repeated)

Tabata Tabata Tabata Tabata Tabata Tabata Tabata Tabata

5-8x 30sec Burpees (as fast as possible) 8 Pullups 30sec Mountain climbers 8 Pullups / or Inverted row 30sec Burpees 30sec Pushups --------------------------------------1x 6min Sledgehammer 6kg (switch hand every minute) 1min Rope climbing (my rope is only 2 metres) 30sec Handstand Pushups 10 Muscle-ups ---------------------------------------15-20x 10sec Heavy bag Punchout 5sec Kick with left leg 5sec Kick with right leg 10sec rest ---------------------------------------3-5x 20 Plyo pushups 10 Squat Jumps 10 Med-ball Twist Throws 6 Med-ball slams ---------------------------------------3-4x (static/dynamic protocol) 4 One arm pushups (2 each side) 6 Med-ball pushaway (push medball away like in a diamond pushup) / or DB Shotput 4 Front lever rows 6 Inverted Rows (explosively) 10 Squat jumps Burpees X 10 Explosive pushups on physioball X 10 Wide grip pullups(explosive) X 10 Dumbell swings X 10(each arm) Sandbag Shouldering X 10(5 each side) Repeat 4 times

Sledgehammer drills: Hit tire 10 times 10 burpees Continue this cycle for 3 mins Finisher: Skipping X 3 mins Skipping X 30 secs Resisted band punches X 30 secs Mountain Climbers x 30 secs Bear Crawls X 30 secs Repeat 4 times(no break) x 10 burpees 50 sledgehammer swings 10 plyo push-ups 10 jumping lunges 100 jump rope turns high knee sprints Finish with 2min bear walk Skipping X 30 secs Medball explosive swings X 30 secs Burpees X 30 secs Medball uneven pushups X 30 secs one arm DB snatch X 30 secs X3 DB complexes burpee+deadlift X 7 DB Row in place X 10(5 on either side) DB swings X 7(each side) X3 DB pushups in place X 7 DB rows X 10 reps DB cleans X 7 reps DB lunges X 5 reps(each side) X2 Finisher: waterball carry X 2 mins Rope (100 turns full sprint) Burpee x 15 Alternating Low Lunge x10 Pike Press x 10 cross squats x 10 Push up knee touch x 10 Pull up (or row) x 10 5 x through for time Race to 150 doing these 6 exercises. 1. Clean and Press with 30's 2. Pull ups 3. Medball slams 4. Dips 5. Burpees Sets of 50,40,30,20,10 as fast as possible. Heavy Bag conditioner- can be done wearing Everlast bag gloves the whole time. 1. 20 1-2's 2. 10 med ball slams

3. 10 power hooks each side 4. 10 burpees max sets in 20 mins.

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