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Thls ls u theoretlcul sub|ect whose purpose ls to ensure thut students huve un understundlng of legul
frumework, cuse luws, legul termlnologles und cuse scenurlos. Its knowledge relutlng to shure cupltul ls
exumlned ln puper F7 und P2 und corporute governunce ln F8
Bottom Llne: Students need to glve tlme to thls sub|ect us lt ls lengthy und only by constunt pructlce wlll they
be uble to understund und lmplement the cuse luws ln the scenurlo questlons.
Blunders: Not pructlclng how to lnterpret questlons ln relutlon to purtlculur legul lmpllcutlons. Ignorlng
lundmurk cuses.
Study Text: Emlle Woolf ACCA F4

A mu|or step forwurd ufter ACCA F2 und focuslng rlght on plunnlng und control functlons of munugement und
how munugement uccountlng supplements these two munugerlul roles. Students must reullze thut thls puper ls
not Advunced Munugement Accountlng but Performunce MANAGEMENT. Thls one lust word chunges the
whole scope of the exum und becuuse of thls |ust musterlng numbers und culculutlons ls deflnltely not enough.
Bottom Llne: Wlth 50-50 bulunce of compututlonul und theoretlcul uspect ln the exum, pructlclng pust exum
pupers und reconclllng the requlrements of questlons und how they should be unswered ls THE sklll of dolng
thls exum.
Blunders: Not pructlclng tlme munugement, selectlve study und sklpplng toplcs of budgetlng und vurlunce
ureus of syllubus whlch ure the mu|or reusons of studylng F5.

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