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Linguistics and The Good By Anthony J. Faber, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., Phd.

Perpetual (C)Copyright and (P)Patent by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism P.C., and The American People and The People of God and The People. Some persons, citing Jacques Derrida for authority, have asserted that anything can mean anything. On the contrary, I assert that certain letters of the American alphabet have an intrinsic meaning. Not only do certain types of words use certain letters, but also, the oral speaking of certain letters produces a physiological response in a person which can be measured using scientific instruments. For example, the letter S is often associated with evil, thus there are

the words: snake, scum, scag, slitherin, satan, etc. On the other hand, the letter G is often associated with words that are considered positive or good, thus there are the words: great, good, God, god, go, etc. Accordingly, it is wrong to try to change words around and give them their opposite meaning. It is wrong to say that evil is good and that good is evil, and it

is wrong to say that male is female and female is male, etc.

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