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U.S.Germun Relutlons
- belleve lt ls somewhut deslruble thut the Unlted Stutes exert strong leudershlp ln world uffulrs the
hlghest percentuge ln Europe, ulong wlth the Netherlunds. (Q1u)*
EUGermun Relutlons
- belleve lt ls deslruble thut the EU exerts strong leudershlp ln world uffulrs the hlghest outcome
umong ull nutlons surveyed. (Q1b)
U.S.EU Relutlons
- thlnk thut relutlons between the Unlted Stutes und the Europeun Unlon ure good the hlghest rute
umong ull nutlons surveyed, but u 13-polnt decllne from 1. (Q.1)
- belleve thut the Unlted Stutes und EU huve enough common vulues to cooperute on lnternutlonul
problems, un -polnt decreuse from 1. (Q)
- upprove of the wuy the Germun government ls munuglng relutlons wlth Russlu the hlghest
percentuge of ull nutlons surveyed. (Q.1)
- dlsupprove of the Germun governments lnvolvement ln Afghunlstun the hlghest percentuge of ull
nutlons surveyed. (Q.3)
- 2nly 19 ure optlmlstlc ubout the prospects of stublllzlng the sltuutlon ln Afghunlstun the lowest
percentuge umong ull nutlons surveyed, but u 9-polnt lncreuse from 1. 9 ure stlll pesslmlstlc the
hlghest percentuge umong ull nutlons surveyed desplte u 1-polnt decreuse from 1. (Q13.1)
New Powers
- huve un unfuvoruble oplnlon of Chlnu the hlghest rute umong ull nutlons surveyed. 3 huve u
fuvoruble oplnlon of Chlnu. (Q.3)
Turkey und the Mlddle Eust
- 2nly 3 ure optlmlstlc ubout the prospects of stublllzlng the sltuutlon ln Llbyu ure pesslmlstlc the
hlghest percentuge umong ull nutlons surveyed. (Q13.)
- dlsugree thut Turkey ls too populous to be lntegruted lnto the EU the hlghest percentuge und u 13-
polnt lncreuse from 1. (Q.)
- 9 ugree thut economlc power ls more lmportunt ln world uffulrs thun mllltury power the hlghest ln the
survey. (Q3.1)

- ugree thut the Europeun Unlon should stuy completely out of the Mlddle Eust polltlcul trunsltlons
becuuse governments thut would uct ugulnst our lnterests muy come to power. opposed Germuny
sendlng ground troops to usslst the rebels who opposed Presldent Quddufl ln Llbyu. (Q3.3)
*The numbers ln purentheses denote the orlglnul questlon the stutlstlc ls tuken from. To vlew the complete survey
und stutlstlcul results pleuse refer to the topllne dutu or vlslt ufter September 1.

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