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Salt is life. You cannot live without it.

However, most people simply do not realize the vast differences between Refined Table Salt you are accustomed to using and Natural Health-Promoting Fire-Salt (Rock Salt + Cayenne Pepper).

1. The salt regulates the water content throughout your body. 2. It promotes a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells. 3. It promotes blood sugar health and thus helps to reduce the signs of aging. 4. It helps in generating Hydroelectric Energy in cells in your body. 5. It helps in the absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract. 6. It supports the respiratory health. 7. It promotes the sinus health. 8. It prevents the muscle cramps. 9. It promotes bone strength. 10. Regulating your sleep - it naturally promotes sleep. 11. It supports your libido. 12. Promoting vascular health. 13. In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.

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