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Acid Rain Acid is rain is where normal rain has been turned into an acidic rain from pollutants

in the air. Acid rain is also known as acid deposition, which is either wet or dry. Wet deposition includes acidic rain, fog and snow. When acidic rain goes across the ground it affects many animals and plants located in that certain area. Sometimes the effects can be minimal depending on how acidic the water is or how much the surrounding plant and animals are dependent on the water. Dry deposition involves the acidic gases and particles, roughly half the acidity in the atmosphere goes back into the ground from the dry deposition. Even the subtlest of winds blow the acidic gases onto everything that is surrounding including buildings and homes. However the dry gases that have settled on the different surfaces can be washed off by rainstorms, this then causes the acid rain to become more acidic. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the main causes of acid rain. Acid rain occurs when the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react in the atmosphere with oxygen water and other chemicals. Sun light also increase the rate of the reactions. The result is a solution of sulphuric acid and nitric acid. The Effects of Acid Rain y y y Acidification of lakes and streams The damage of trees and forest soils It accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage.

y Harms public health.

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