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Optimization Letters

Editor-in-Chief: Panos M. Pardalos

Covers all aspects of optimization, including theory, algorithms, computational studies, and applications. Provides an outlet for the rapid publication of short communications in the field by offering concise, short articles limited to a total of ten journal pages.
Optimization Letters covers all aspects of optimization, including theory, algorithms, computational studies, and applications. Optimization has been expanding in all directions at an astonishing rate during the last few decades, and this journal provides an outlet for the rapid publication of short communications in the field. Optimization Letters features concise, short articles, limited to a total of ten journal pages. Such concise articles will be easily accessible by readers working in any aspect of optimization and wish to be informed of recent developments.Officially cited as: Optim Lett Impact Factor: 1.010 (2010), Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters 8 issues/year On the homepage of Optimization Letters at you can
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