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ABSTRAK Salamah, Umu. 2009.

Pengaruh Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Terhadap Kemampuan Bertanya dan Prestasi Belajar Fisika Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari Malang. Kata kunci : model problem based learning, kemampuan bertanya siswa, prestasi belajar fisika siswa.Siswa MTs Al Maarif 01 mayoritas tinggal di pesantren. Lingkungan tempat tinggal ini berdampak pada rendahnya kemampuan bertanya siswa. Hal ini mengakibatkan siswa pasif selama pembelajaran di kelas. Prestasi belajar fisika siswa juga menjadi perhatian dalam pembelajaran. Usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bertanya siswa dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa adalah dengan menerapkan berbagai inovasi dan variasi model pembelajaran. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh penerapan model tertentu terhadap kemampuan bertanya dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa. Salah satu pilihannya adalah model problem based learning. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah (1)mengetahui apakah kemampuan bertanya siswa dikelas dengan penerapan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) lebih baik dari kemampuan bertanya siswa di kelas kontrol pada kelas VIII MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari; (2)mengetahui apakah prestasi belajar fisika siswa di kelas dengan penerapan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) lebih baik dari prestasi belajar fisika siswa di kelas kontrol pada kelas VIII MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Dua sampel diperoleh tidak secara acak. Untuk prestasi belajar fisika dilakukan pretest dari nilai UTS Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009 untuk mengetahui bahwa kelas yang digunakan mempunyai kemampuan yang sama. Dua kelas sampel yang mendapatkan perlakuan berbeda. Kelas eksperimen menerapkan model Problem Based Learning (PBL), sedang kelas kontrol menerapan model Direct Instruction (DI) pada materi cahaya. Kemampuan bertanya siswa diukur selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan prestasi belajar fisika sebagai posttest diukur melalui hasil tes tulis materi cahaya. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, rubrik penilaian kemampuan bertanya dan tes prestasi belajar fisika.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan bertanya siswa di kelas dengan penerapan modelPBL sama dengan rata-rata kemampuan bertanya siswa kelas kontrol pada kelas VIII MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari Malang. Rata-rata prestasi belajar fisika siswa di kelas dengan penerapan model PBL lebih baik dari rata-rata prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas kontrol pada kelas VIII MTs Al Maarif 01 Singosari Malang.
Pengaruh penerapan model problem based learning (PBL) terhadap kemampuan bertanya siswa dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas VIII MTs Al Maarif 01 Author : Salamah, Umu

Abstract The study investigated the effects of constructivist problem based learning technique on the academic achievement of physics students with low ability levels in Nigeria secondary schools. Pre-test-Post-test control group design was adopted for the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 2 schools out of 40co-educational secondary schools in Taraba state. 105 senior secondary school II physics students were used for the study. Physics Achievement Test (PAT) and physics Ability Level Test (PALT) were used to collect data. The kuder-Richardson coefficient of internal consistency for PAT and PALT were 0.72 and 0.76 respectively. Three hypotheses were tested at p<0.05 level of significance using t- test analysis. The result of the findings showed that the physics students with low ability level taught with problem based learning technique performed significantly better than those taught with conventional learning method. Also, student taught with problem based learning technique performed significantly better than those taught with conventional method. There was no significant gender difference in the performance of students taught with problem based learning technique. It is recommended that problem-based learning technique should be used in schools to teach various concepts in physics. Keywords Problem-based learning, Conventional, Physics, Low Ability, Achievement.

This paper reports the results of an exploratory study aimed to determine university students expectations and beliefs in a problem-based introductory physics course, how those expectations compare to that of students in other universities, and change as a result of one semester of instruction. In total, 264 freshmen engineering students of Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) in Izmir, Turkey enrolled in the study. The study involved two groups, first group (n = 100) was instructed via modular-based active learning (problembased learning [PBL]) method and second group (n = 164) by traditional lecture method.

Data were collected through pre and post application of the Maryland Physics Expectations (MPEX) survey. Students average favorable and unfavorable percentage scores were determined. The results showed that average favorable scores of both groups were substantially lower than that of experts and that of other university students reported in the literature. Students favorable scores have dropped significantly after one semester of instruction. PBL and traditional groups displayed similar degree of expert beliefs. The results of this study showed that university students expectations and beliefs about physics and physics learning have deteriorated as a result of one semester of instruction whether in PBL or traditional context. Implications of the results were discussed. Keywords: Beliefs, Expectations, Introductory Physics, MPEX, Problem-Based Learning.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method on students achievement in and approaches and attitudes towards an introductory physics course. With the control group, a quasi-experimental pretestposttest design was used. A total of 25 freshman students majoring in mathematics teaching in a five-year preservice teacher education program in Turkey participated. There were one control group and one experimental group; namely, the PBL group. Pre-service teachers were randomly assigned to either one of the two groups: The PBL group (n = 12), who received physics instruction in accordance with the PBL format, or a control group (n = 13), who received physics instruction in line with traditional teaching methods. Data were collected via the pre and post administration of the Magnetism Test (MT), the Approaches to Learning Scale (ALS), and the Scale of Attitudes towards Physics (SAP). The results indicated that the problem-based learning method not only encouraged the students deep approach to learning, but also improved interest (a component of attitude) towards the physics course. The results also signaled that PBL-based physics instruction impacted the students achievement in physics positively. The paper ends with some implications for the instruction of physics. Key words: Problem-based learning, physics education, achievement, attitude, approaches to learning.

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of problem-based active learning in science education on students academic achievement and concept learning. In the study, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were utilized. Quantitative data were obtained via the pre/post-test, treatment-control groups test model. Qualitative data were obtained via document analysis. The research study was conducted on 50, 7th grade students in 2004-2005 school year, in a public school in Istanbul. The treatment process took 30 class hours in total. In the research, three measurement instruments were used: an achievement test, open-ended questions, and an attitude scale for science education. The reliability coefficient of the achievement test was calculated to be KR20=0.78. Cronbach value of the attitude scale was 0.89. While the subject matters were taught on the basis of problem-based active learning in the treatment group, traditional teaching methods were employed in the control group. In the face of the data collected and the evaluations made in the research, it was determined that the implementation of problem-based active learning model had positively affected students academic achievement and their attitudes towards the science course. It was also found that the application of problem-based active learning model affects students conceptual development positively and keeps their misconceptions at the lowest level. Keywords: Teaching Sociology, Science, Education, Problem-based learning, Active Learning, Concept Learning, Program Development

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