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ene, uC Sea. Lauran Cerchyaeran| d ~ GK) cab. TH HL 642% 6iylog wy 7 +t 4G 16u2 bibles on The Theory and Tittle CRRET * ee practice of Techniques , Bogdan V. Roso By W. v. Baeckmann and W. Schwenk with contributions by? This Ena E. Neufeld and P. Neufeld, 8 Se. based on the German Book “Hancbuch dea kathodischan Korrosionsschutzos * publishes 1971 by Verlag Chemie GmbH, Wainhacim/Bergstr PORTCULLIS PRESS LTD QUEENSWAY HOUSE 2 QUEENSWAY REDHILL SURREY ENGLAND Printed in Groot 8 ‘by Clam o' Molasay Lid, East Mol Introducue Cathiopre PROTECTION as a supplement to surface coating has in receat years Proved to be the most effective and most economical form of protection against corrosion in extensive fields of technology. without a thorough knowledge ‘and extensive research into the best Both editors of this book are not only well-known expems on basic corros science and protection but also on the technology of corrosion protection. They, Together with their associated contributors, are to be congratulated for their ceffores in uniting modern theory and practice in this handbook. They have succeeded in presenting the fundamentals and techniques in a precise and straightforward manner, ny technologists as possible will will make a great contribution to cathodic protection, aor. Dr, Hans-Jinoen Exoets. (Corrosion Working Party)

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