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Exercise No: 06

Working with PL/SQL Blocks

Write a PL/SQL block

1. To find greatest of two numbers using if statement

2. To print the numbers from 1 to 10 using for loop

3. To find factorial of given number using while loop and goto statement

Write a PL/SQL block

1. To find given number is an even number using if statement

2. To print numbers from 10 to 1 using for loop

3. To reverse a given number using while loop and goto statement

Write a PL/SQL block

1. To find given number is an Odd number using if statement

2. To print the sum of n numbers using for loop

3. To compute third table using while loop and goto statement

Write a PL/SQL block

1. To find given number is a prime number using if statement

2. To print even numbers from 1 to 25 using for loop

3. To compute fifth table using while loop and goto statement

Write a PL/SQL block

1. To find out large number from given input using if statement

2. To print odd numbers from 1 to 25 using for loop

3. To print a string for given number of times using while loop and goto statement

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