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Constitutional Basis Art 24 (2) UUD ;45: The Judicial power shall be done by a supreme court and judicial bodies that are below the general courts, religious courts, military courts, administrative courts, and by a constitutional courts. Juridical Basis Law No 5 / 1986 Administrative Court Law No 9 / 2004 on Amendment of Law No 5 / 1986 on Administrative Court Law Related to law on Administrative Court Law no 48 Year 2009 Concerning Judiciary Power Law no 5 / 1004 on Amendment s to Law no 14 / 1985 on the Supreme Court Administrative Court Art 50 law no 5 / 1986: Administrative Court in charge of and authority to hear, examine, and decide administrative disputes in the first instance Art 1 (5) law no 5 . 1986: Administrative dispute (the lawsuit) is a petition containing the charges against the agency or official state administration and submitted to the court for adjudication Object of Adm Court Art 53 (1) Law no 9/2004 A person or legal entity who feel their interest harmed civil by a stated administrative decision may file a written the court is authorized to contain the requirement that the administrative decisions. The disputed stated declared void or invalid, with or demands without loss and / or rehabilitation. Art 1(3) Law no 5/ 1986 Administrative Decision is issued a written determination by the Agency or the Stated Administrative Office containing state administrative legal action based legislation in force, that is concrete, individual and final, the legal consequences for a person or body of civil law. Components of Art 1(3) Administrative Decision is issued a written determination Issued by the agency or the state administrative officer Containing state administrative legal action based legislation in force That is concrete, individual, and final. The legal consequences for a person or body of civil law

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