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Questions to Ask Your Parents

Have you learned anything new about me? Which pieces of work did you like the best? Why? What areas of school do you think I have improved in? What do you think is my biggest challenge? What has been the biggest change in me while I have been in grade 1?

Welcome to Grade One Student-Led Conferences

Tuesday March 6, 2012

This is a time for your child to share their learning from their Grade 1 year so please enjoy it with them. Should you wish to discuss other issues with your childs teacher please set up an appointment for an alternative date. Thank you and enjoy! The Grade One Team

Learning Journals
Student led conferences give your child the opportunity to show you their Learning Journal. Your child should be able to tell you about some of the things displayed, however many children will require some help with this. Try to ask some open ended questions which will encourage your child to talk about what they have done. Here are some suggestions: Please can you tell me more about ____?

The Classroom
The children will show you some of the things we do in the classroom. Here are some questions you might want to ask? Why do you like this area? What do you do here? Show me something you do in this area. ** Please join in some activities with your child. They are excited about being with you in their classroom and they have many things they want to share with you.

Why did you choose this piece to show? What was challenging about this for you? What did you enjoy about working on this? What did you find interesting about this? What did you learn by completing this? If you were to do it again, what would you do differently? How did you do this? What were you learning about here?

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