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Benefits of Writing a Mini Saga I hope this lens inspires you to write your own mini saga. Here are a few benefits of writing a mini saga: Benefit #1: Writing a mini saga expands your creativity. Constraints typically expand creativity or induce flight. When you have to put everything in 50 words, you have to 'leave behind' a lot. That's where the creative juices start flowing. Benefit #2: Writing a mini saga stretches your thinking. What will you write about? You have to think about topics that will fit in 50 words or squeeze them to fit in 50 words. That puts thinking on overdrive mode. Benefit #3: Writing a mini saga enhances your discipline. Deciding what to write about, deciding what to leave behind and putting it in 50 words requires discipline throughout."

The girl said she was going to come back The boy promised to wait He sat on the dock and waited One day while he was waiting he noticed another girl sitting and looking out to sea Are you waiting too? He asked Not anymore, She said They Both Smiled

A Rolling Stone gathers No Moss.

Out Of Sight ,Out Of Mind

Let Sleeping dogs lie!

Waiting For Fate

The girl said she was going to come back The boy promised to wait He sat on the dock and waited One day while he was waiting he noticed another girl sitting and looking out to sea Are you waiting too? He asked Not anymore, She said They Both Smiled

Write a Mini Saga

The Interview The phone call The Choice Giving back Love at first sight The accident The goal Lost and found The Team

Todays saga
The Missing piece Happiness The reality show Networking The competition Moving on Fired Perfection Argument

How to write a Saga

1. Start with a message 2. Think of an action or an event to convey this message 3. Build the characters 4. Construct the plot 5. Write the story (without worrying about the length) 6. Adjust and Re-adjust until the story fits within the constraints ( 50 words )

Sagas to write
The other side Destiny Respect Uncertainty Image Alive Intuition Connection Knowing

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