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To: The

French Embassy: Visa section

Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Travellers passport name, Passport number, **********. Travellers passport name is employed by company name as position and division if applicable and location. Travellers passport name commenced employment with us on (joining date) and is employed on a permanent basis. Travellers passport name is a (nationality) national. Travellers passport name will be travelling to (Country) from the (date) and returning on (date). Travellers passport name will be due back at (company name) to continue his/her employment on (day and date). If you have any questions about this matter please contact (name and telephone number). Yours faithfully,

The letter should be on company headed paper and signed by the travellers superior or Human Resources department on behalf of the company Official ORIGINAL up-to-date (not older than a month) letter from your employer stating the position held within the company as well as the starting date. The letter must be dated. The letter should be addressed to :The French Embassy: Visa section and must be on an official letterhead with the date. THE LETTERHEAD MUST HAVE THE COMPANY'S REGISTRATION NUMBER ON IT. Your manager must sign the letter - original signature required. ! ! Last three payslips. (Weekly or Monthly)

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