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Why The Sun Hides Himself when the Moon Appears V.O.

Long long ago, when the earth was still young, when the first among the earthly creatures still lived, Helios, our sun had a brother and his name is Inti. Helios, together with Inti his brother, Luna the moon, and the Xing siblings the stars lit the young earth. Helios, Inti and Luna lived happy together until an unexpected incident that happened. Inti: Helios, my brother, what does it feel like to be in love? Helios: The stars say it feels great. Inti: Well, I feel great when I lit up the earth and even be er when I do it with Luna and of course with you brother. Does this mean I m in love? Helios: It may or may not be brother. We both don t know for we haven t felt it yet towards maidens. Inti: You are right brother. You are right. N.: As time passed, Inti still curious about love went to Luna to ask her about it. Inti: Luna, what is love? Luna: It is a feeling of tender affection for somebody. Why did you ask? Inti: It is because . . . Luna: Because. . . Inti: I think I am in love with you Luna. I love you. Luna: Oh, I love you too, Inti and I am so glad that you do as well. N.: And so Inti and Luna became lovers and hid it from Helios for they were afraid Helios would be angry. They became kinder towards Helios hoping it would be easier for him to accept their relationship. Luna: Here Helios take this, it would make you feel better. Helios: Well, thank you Luna. Why are you doing this for me? Luna: It is because I care for you my dear friend. Inti: Do you need some help brother? Helios: Luna will be the one who shall help me brother. N. Helios mistook Luna s kindness as a showcase of her love for him. This made him fall in love for her. One day,he decided to confess his love for Luna and went to her but he overheard Inti and Luna s conversation instead. Inti: Luna, my love, I think it is time. Luna: Time for what, my love? Inti: Time to tell my dearest brother about us, being lovers. Luna: Oh, really? That is great! Oh I love you, Inti. Inti: I love you too, Luna. Helios: Oh,no it cannot be but I thought Luna loves me. N.: Helios grieved as though someone died. He became a problem for the other planets. Helios wouldn t talk to Inti. Thus, Inti brought forth canny Mercury to try to talk to him. Mercury: Great Helios, what is your problem? I am here for you willing to listen. Helios: Mercury, I want Luna so badly but how can I do this if she s in love with my brother Inti?

Mercury: You can get Luna only if you could make Inti disappear. Helios: That is impossible and we both know that, we live for billions of years. Mercury: It is possible. Once we spirit gods set foot on earth, we can no longer go back to this land and become celestial bodies. Instead, we become mortals. Helios: You re a genius Mercury! N.: Helios became happy once more for he knew that Luna would be his. He had his plan and would never let anyone even Mercury to know it. Luna and Inti became happy for Helios thinking that he had already recovered. At once, Inti tried to talk to Helios. Helios was equally eager. Inti: I m so glad you are okay, brother. Helios: I ve never felt better, brother. Can I ask you a question? Inti: Of course. Helios: Do you really love her? Inti: I love her so much, brother. Helios: Then you would give anything she wishes, right? Inti: Of course. Helios: Luna really would love to have a chrysanthemum. Inti: What s that? Helios: It s a golden flower found in earth. Inti: I would definitely give it to her. I m gonna go to earth at once. Thank you, bro. Helios: You re welcome.

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