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ERP India - Request For Proposal Submission

Gatewa to Enterprise Software Solutions Request for Proposal Submission

* Indicates field is mandatory

PLEASE NOTE: The RFP submitted here, will not be immediatel sent to Solution Providers. We will first cont ou to verif . Onl after the verification, we will send the RFP to Solution Providers registered in our Solutions director . There is no fee for this service. Your Full Name: Compan Name: How ou found out about ERP India ?: * Designation/Title: Email Address: Office Postal Address: * Telephone (with STD code): Compan Description: * Please describe the business/activities of your organization * * * * *

Compan Si e (number of emplo ees): Required Solution description: * Please state or describe the functionalities and features that the solution needs to have

Selection Timeframe: * Please state approximately when you are planning to finalize the selection of the solution

Solution Provider Compan Requirements: * Please state or describe the profile of the Solution Provider Company needs to have .htm



ERP India - Request For Proposal Submission

Technical Requirements of desired Solution: * Please state or describe what technologies the required solution needs to adhere to or integrate with

Budget Requirements of desired Solution: Please state or describe your budget for procuring and implementing the solution

S bmi Form



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