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We collect pop tabs instead of entire aluminum cans because it's more hygienic to store tabs than cans, and collection and storage is easier. HOW MUCH? After the tabs are collected, The Cam Factor walk team brings the collection to local recycling centers, where they are weighed to determine their value (values can vary significantly). The recycling center then sends The Cam Factor a check for the total value. Cameron Voyles was diagnosed with Von Willebrand Disease at 5 days old. Recently Cam was re-diagnosed with VWD Type III Severe, the rarest form of VWD.

Von Willebrand factor is found in plasma, platelets, and blood vessel walls. When the factor is missing or defective, the first step in plugging a blood vessel injury doesnt take place. As a result, bleeding doesnt stop as quickly as it should. Type III: Severe von Willebrand disease patients like Cameron may have a total absence of Von Willebrand factor and factor VIII levels are often less than 10%.

Cameron currently receives clotting factor injections at least three times a week. Each injection costs $2,500. Please help Team Cam Factor meet or exceed their goal of raising $2,500 for Hemophilia Walk 2012.

Studio 456 is a proud supporter of Oklahoma's Team Cam Factor for Hemophilia Walk 2012.

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