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If there is a creator I doubt that he gives a rats patooty what Bubba and the rest us of think or do except in the

matter of revelations.If I were God I would be most pleased that gradually we are questioning the reality of writings handed down from tribal,desert dwellers over two centuries ago.Certainly,unless God is a cosmological jester he would have been far more accurate in revealing how nature worked. And if I were the devil I could not think of a better way to cause trouble than to help organize religions with the stipulations that they were to kill each other over the matter of each organizations subjective beliefs. I have noticed that true believers think that almost all revelations happened through a short window starting around three thousand years ago to fifteen hundred years ago.(If I am off a little please forgive me. I happen to believe that if there is a semi-theistic God, its reality is unfolding before us through the methods of science and will,unless we crazily blow ourselves up,continue to do so. Perhaps mathmatics is the language of God instead of some dusty book.Einstein said something like,if we can discover a theory unifying all the forces of nature we will truly know the mind of God.Einstein was not a theist but used the term,Godin his own special way. True,science does not speak to morality but since over the centuries,religion has done such an abysmal job trying to do the same ,why do we need to proceed to such flawed books in trying to gain this information?And why do we need priests,ministers,evangelists,pastors,parsons,vicars. imams,curates,semonizers,and assorted other poo-bahs to tell us how to live. The worst of them happily spread ignorance among their parishoners.Perhaps,the spreading of ignorance is a mortal sin in Gods eyes because it wants us to figure out how nature proceeds because that triumphant revelation would truly bring us close to God! Children,study your Calculus.

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