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ENGLISH DRAMA Title : Snow White Source and script, taken from Re-upload to @2011_ www.haarrr.wordpress.


Characters: Narrator (Narator, Pencerita) Snow White (Putri Salju) Queen (Ratu Ibu Tiri Snow White) Magic Mirror (Cermin Ajaib) voice Hunter (Pemburu, Utusan Ratu) Prince (Sang Pangeran dari kerajaan tetangga) Dwarf 1 7 (Kurcaci) *** NARRATOR: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way There was this kingdom where some people lived. Maybe you know them SNOW WHITE appears from the side QUEEN: (her voice only) Ho ho ho SNOW WHITE: Oh my Goodness! Its my step-mother the Queen. Shhh! (exits) QUEEN: Oh mirror, mirror on the wall MAGIC MIRROR: (turns around) Yes, my Queen. QUEEN: Who is the fairest of them all? MAGIC MIRROR: Why, you are, my Queen. QUEEN: Ha ha ha ha, ha. Excellent.


(Queen turns and begins to walk away) (Suddenly) QUEEN: Mirror! MAGIC MIRROR: (turns around more quickly) Ah, yes, my Queen. QUEEN: Who is the fairest of them all? MAGIC MIRROR: The fairest is QUEEN: The fairest is??? MAGIC MIRROR: (slumps down) Snow White. (The Queen screams in surprise) QUEEN: What did you say? Snow White? Hunter! Hunter! HUNTER: Queen? QUEEN: Take Snow White into the woods. Right away. (whispers) And then kill her! HUNTER: Oh! Right away? (He takes a step back. The Queen takes a step forward.) QUEEN: Right away! HUNTER: Right away? (Queen turns and exits) HUNTER: Right now? (Hunter is thinking. Snow White skips in) SNOW WHITE: Do what right away, Hunter? HUNTER: Oh Snow White! You must run away my Princess. Now. Run! SNOW WHITE: Really? (Snow White runs around the stage once) (Huffing and Puffing) SNOW WHITE: I cant run anymore. Look a little cottage. Hello? Is anybody in there?


(She opens the door and looks around. She starts cleaning and making dinner. She dances and sings Were off to see the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz)

NARRATOR: And so Snow White started cleaning and cooking. Cooking and cleaning. In fact she couldnt stop cleaning and cooking. (Narrator looks sideways, irritated at Snow White) Narrator: Or singing. Or dancing. DWARF 1: Home again, home again, jiggidy-jig. DWARF 2: Wow! Somebody cleaned the house! DWARF 3: Wow. Somebody cooked dinner. DWARF 4: Wow! Somebody is sleeping in our bed. ALL DWARVES: Who is she? (Snow White wakes up, stands up) SNOW WHITE: Im sorry to come in without asking. My name is Snow White and Im on the run. DWARF 1: Thats terrible. ALL DWARVES: You can stay with us. SNOW WHITE: Thank you. Thank you so much. (Cut to the Queens Castle) QUEEN: Ho ho ho! Ah Mirror, mirror, Whos the fairest of them all? MAGIC MIRROR: The fairest of them all is still Snow White. Shes living in a small cottage in the woods. QUEEN: What What What did you say? (Pauses) QUEEN: Then I have a good idea. I will poison an apple. MAGIC MIRROR: And then? QUEEN: (dresses up like an apple merchant) I will pretend to be an apple merchant.


MAGIC MIRROR: And then? QUEEN: Then I will go to the cottage and feed it to her. (Cut to Cottage) (Knock Knock Knock) SNOW WHITE: Whos there? QUEEN: Apple seller. (Snow White opens the door) QUEEN: Ah my pretty, do you want to buy an apple? SNOW WHITE: No thanks. QUEEN: Well Here, this is my gift to you. Try it. Its delicious. (The Queen hands her an apple) SNOW WHITE: Yum. Its very tasty. Whoah, Im dizzy. (falls over) (The Queen removes her costume.) QUEEN: From now on, Im the most beautiful in the world. Ho ho ho! (Thunder and lightening flashes. The Queen disappears.) ALL DWARVES: (appear next to Snow White) Oh dear, What happened? DWARF 1: Look at this. Snow White ate a poison apple. DWARF 2: The Evil Queen must have done this. ALL DWARVES: Oh Princess, Princess! Woe. (The sound of horses hoofs) PRINCE: Whats the matter? DWARF 1: Our good Princess ate a poison apple. PRINCE: (Kneels over Snow White) Oh, poor Princess. SNOW WHITE: (Coughs up the piece of poison apple)


Uh-hugh-uuugh! DWARF 2: Oh man, the Princess coughed up the poison apple. EVERYBODY: Hurrah! The Princess woke up. SNOW WHITE: Oh who are you? PRINCE: Princess, Im a Prince from a neighbouring country. Will you marry me? ALL DWARVES: Of course she will! EVERYBODY: Hah hah hah! NARRATOR: And so Snow White and the Prince lived happily ever after. The Dwarves went back to work at their diamond mine and the Wicked Queen eventually got what she deserved.


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