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Installation instructions for SML/NJ under Windows -------------------------------------------------We now provide a Microsoft Installer package for SML/NJ.

The installer contains a full installation including nearly all optional components. (We only exclude "mlrisc-tools" and "nowhere".) You can choose the installation directory. The default is C:\Program Files\SMLNJ. The bin directory containing the sml command is added to the default PATH, though note that you will need to re-open command windows to see the binding. The SMLNJ_HOME environment variable is also set up to point at the location that SML/NJ was installed. You can either launch the interpreter directly from a Start Menu entry or by opening a command prompt and typing "sml". -----------------------------------------------------------To compile from scratch, assuming Microsoft Visual Studio or at least the Visual C++ Express Edition and the Platform SDK: - run "vcvars32" command or open the "Visual Studio Command Prompt" menu item - create the full SML/NJ source hierarchy (most convenient: do a CVS checkout; alternative: unzip and untar all the source archives) - unzip and untar boot.x86-win32.tgz into the root of the source tree - set environment variable SMLNJ_HOME to root of source tree - edit config\targets to one's taste - run config\install.bat - to generate the msi, run config\WinSetup\buildSetup.bat

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