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Kiflom G/hiwot Araya, General Contractor [KIFCON] is established in May 2010 to engage in Construction (roads, bridges, buildings &

water works) and Real Estate Development. Kifcon has used its first two months, effectively, to properly org anize its managment structure, company policies and manuals. Then after it has b een busy in conducting projects that were awarded to us directly with out bids f rom high rank companies, Akir Construction plc and Macro General Contractor & Tr ading plc, who do know well our competence in properly managing and executing ci vil work projects, our commitment to our duties and trust worthiness to our clie nts. With this endeavor Kifcon has been able to manage construction projects whi ch worth above ETB: 25M in its, 2003EC budjet year, initia first year performanc e

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