Chat Log 040312

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(18:17:49) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (18:18:30) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.

(18:18:48) Kinkyclawz: Evening all! How are you good folks tonight? *spends 1 min typing, 3 mins correcting her typos* (18:19:25) Eileen: KC!!! *tackle hugs her twister* (18:20:42) Kinkyclawz: Arghhh! 8is tackle hugged* My Twister!! Wie gehts, liebe? (18:22:03) Eileen: I'm great thank you (18:22:08) Eileen: how are you? (18:22:19) Kinkyclawz: Good to hear. iu'm good too, thanks. (18:22:38) Eileen: I'm at my parent's (18:22:49) Eileen: (18:22:55) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, we have to behave tonight then, eh? (18:23:03) Eileen: lol (18:23:06) Eileen: nope (18:23:14) Kinkyclawz: Thanks goodness! (18:23:15) Eileen: so looking forward to later (18:23:18) Eileen: (18:23:25) Kinkyclawz: i don't think we could if we tried. Heehee. (18:23:38) Eileen: lol true (18:24:29) Eileen: we never could (18:24:30) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, yu mean when we discuss H. A. L./ (18:24:31) Kinkyclawz: ? (18:24:58) Eileen: lol (18:25:14) Eileen: no to the episode (18:25:35) Kinkyclawz: oh-ho, of course. did you like ep4/ (18:25:50) Eileen: i did! (18:26:38) Eileen: and you? (18:26:57) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (18:27:04) Kinkyclawz: ^^ I almost started discussing the episode, but of course we have to wait for our twister and twrother/Twoyfriend. (18:27:06) Eileen: hello Genie! (18:27:16) Aubergine: Hello Twisters!!! (18:27:24) Eileen: *tackle hugs Genie* (18:27:30) Kinkyclawz: Genie!! Hello dear Twister! (18:27:34) Aubergine: How goes it? (18:27:40) Aubergine: Whooooa (18:27:43) Kinkyclawz: We were just speaking fo you and here you are! (18:28:40) Aubergine: yes I was just checking the board for any new post and one second no one was in the chatroom and then there were two (18:28:46) Kinkyclawz: Are you well, m'dear? (18:29:13) Aubergine: I'm feeling great actually. Kind of surprised me (18:29:18) Kinkyclawz: We're liek Gremilins, we multiply so quickly. ;D (18:29:24) Kinkyclawz: Germlins also. (18:29:26) Eileen: lol (18:29:30) Eileen: *giggles madly* (18:29:45) Kinkyclawz: no, no, Gremlins rather. Third time's the charm. (18:29:56) Aubergine: oh dear why are you giggling madly? (18:30:34) Kinkyclawz: I know uncontrollable giggling is a side effect if Hal Gal pal syndrome. (18:30:47) Kinkyclawz: But i'm not sure if that's the case here. (18:31:16) Aubergine: oh I see, I thought maybe she od on the last episode (18:31:58) Kinkyclawz: heh, perhaps she has. ^^ (18:32:21) Kinkyclawz: so, tell us dear Twister, what's the reason for you giggling madly. (18:33:03) Kinkyclawz: ? (18:33:15) Eileen: just Gremlin giggle (18:33:16) Eileen: lol (18:33:27) Eileen: this time i 'only' watched 4 times

(18:33:27) Eileen: lol (18:33:36) Eileen: but one for of 4x03 (18:33:49) Aubergine: that show remarkable restraint (18:34:08) Kinkyclawz: Well doen you! (18:34:27) Eileen: lol (18:34:36) Eileen: how often did you both watch it? (18:34:39) Kinkyclawz: ***** (18:35:00) Kinkyclawz: Just the once, but i made notes throughout. (18:35:07) Aubergine: I watched it once, meant to watch it again but time ran out (18:35:38) Kinkyclawz: Are we holding out until 7pm for Fang or should we begin discussing? (18:35:55) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, so snap, we both showed a great deal of restraint. (18:36:32) Aubergine: well not so much restraint as the inability to watch it more (18:36:33) Eileen: lol (18:36:37) Eileen: i didnt (18:36:56) Eileen: lets wait (18:36:57) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, true, but using the restraint excuse sounds god doesn't it? (18:37:02) Kinkyclawz: good. LOl (18:37:33) Kinkyclawz: You showed a lot of restraint, Eileen. We're proud of you! (18:37:48) Aubergine: yes very proud (18:38:01) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (18:38:02) Aubergine: and so will Fang be when he gets here (18:38:55) Kinkyclawz: Indeed he will. You need to tackle hug him when he comes in too, Eileen. (18:38:56) Eileen: lol (18:39:06) Eileen: i try to get my Hal obsession under control (18:39:19) Eileen: but my tumblr is not really showing my efforts (18:39:20) Eileen: (18:39:21) Aubergine: why bother (18:39:27) Eileen: lol (18:39:30) Kinkyclawz: *gets her notes ready* (18:39:38) Aubergine: obsessions are harmless until you start following people in public (18:40:12) Eileen: lol (18:40:13) Aubergine: you haven't starting following anyone have you? (18:40:15) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Life's for enjoying, suesse. I think your Tumbler account is a very good way of showing your Hal Gal Pal love. (18:40:23) Eileen: nope (18:40:27) Eileen: not in public (18:40:36) Aubergine: good good to hear (18:40:47) Kinkyclawz: so its bad to follow cute boys around? *coughs innocently* (18:41:11) Aubergine: no not regular people (18:41:16) Aubergine: that's okay (18:41:19) Kinkyclawz: *blushes* (18:41:30) Aubergine: but TV people that's a no no (18:41:59) Eileen: awwwwwwww (18:42:01) Eileen: okay (18:42:28) Aubergine: ever since the book Misery by Stephen King it's also not cool to walk behind then screaming I'm your number one fan (18:43:00) Aubergine: yeah that'll get you a restraining order (18:43:26) Kinkyclawz: Phew. *hopes Dylan Brown, aka Seth, doesn't mind my mild stalkerage* (18:43:52) Kinkyclawz: oh. Dear. (18:44:02) Aubergine: now following people's every move on the internet is perfectly fine (18:44:09) Eileen: lol (18:44:21) Eileen: that is good then (18:44:31) Kinkyclawz: That's what Twitter encourages. (18:44:38) Eileen: and following random fellow fans on tumblr and twitter? (18:44:50) Aubergine: absolutely (18:45:04) Aubergine: they don't mind that so much

(18:45:20) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, yes. We make friends that way, don't we? (18:45:29) Aubergine: you can even tell them 100 times a day that you are they're number one fan (18:45:54) Eileen: yay (18:45:56) Kinkyclawz: until they block you at least. LOl (18:45:58) Aubergine: and witty replies to tweets (18:46:06) Aubergine: and posting pictures (18:46:14) Aubergine: all good (18:46:35) Eileen: good to hear (18:46:41) Eileen: and videos? (18:46:50) Kinkyclawz: Videos, yes also. (18:47:01) Kinkyclawz: Love the Behidn The Scenes pics the3y share. :d (18:47:24) Eileen: oh they did? (18:47:33) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (18:47:38) Fang: Hello (18:47:42) Eileen: FANG!!! (18:47:45) Kinkyclawz: Fang! Hello! (18:47:48) Eileen: *tackle hugs him* (18:47:49) Aubergine: hello Gang! (18:47:58) Eileen: do you have a link (18:47:59) Aubergine: or Fang! (18:48:03) Eileen: not sure if i have missed them (18:48:09) Eileen: Hi Genie! (18:48:17) Fang: oof! nope you didn't miss me (18:48:19) Aubergine: lol (18:48:36) Fang: Well you can say hello to the whole gang of us if you prefer (18:48:47) Kinkyclawz: I'll see if i can find them, Eileen. gimme a few minutes. How are you Fang? (18:48:49) Fang: its' a bit rude for you to have been here this long without saying hello though (18:49:01) Eileen: thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu! (18:49:09) Eileen: How are you, my twoyfriend? (18:49:14) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Genie. (18:49:24) Eileen: lol I tackle hugged you, Fang (18:49:29) Eileen: (18:49:29) Kinkyclawz: have you had trouble in the Lobby again/ (18:49:30) Kinkyclawz: ? (18:49:41) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (18:49:55) Aubergine: don't make fun of my typos (18:50:13) Eileen: never! (18:50:14) Eileen: (18:50:17) Eileen: Hello Fang (18:50:32) Fang: yeah you tackle hugged me so you obvousuly didn't miss me, you hit me, and I was fine but now I'm a little sore (18:50:38) Fang: sorry Genie (18:51:19) Fang: yeah that damn receptionist doesn't like me, I even turned up early but you're still all here before me (18:51:56) Eileen: bad receptionist (18:51:58) Aubergine: crazy receptionist must really like your company (18:52:32) Eileen: he chained you to the lobby he loves you so much (18:52:49) Fang: oh..I see, I hadn't thought about her having that motive (18:53:04) Kinkyclawz: i've no room to tease you about Typos, Genie. *hangs head* (18:53:10) Eileen: oh she of course (18:53:37) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, it can be hard to tell with that receptionist. (18:53:51) Eileen: yeah it is (18:53:53) Eileen: lol (18:54:08) Aubergine: Eileen just breezes through the waiting room without even glancing at the receptionist

(18:54:15) Fang: it's not the most feminine suit is it (18:54:45) Eileen: she seems to hide when I get in (18:54:46) Eileen: Hmmm (18:55:10) Aubergine: maybe she/he is a shapeshifter and we each see someone different (18:55:30) Aubergine: that would be cool (18:55:49) Eileen: oh possible! (18:56:28) Kinkyclawz: ooh, liking the thinking! (18:57:18) Kinkyclawz: *intends to stalk... i mean follow the receptionist to see if its true* (18:57:31) Eileen: yes, please do (18:57:40) Aubergine: good luck with that (18:57:49) Fang: hmmm interesting theory (18:57:57) Aubergine: you'll probably just see the same person though (18:58:52) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, but i want to make notes of the reactions of those who come through and ask them when they leave. Wow, that sounds vaguely organised. I guess I might not. (18:58:59) Eileen: maybe it depends on the dna (18:59:31) Aubergine: whose dna? (18:59:41) Kinkyclawz: Dina's DNA? (18:59:55) Aubergine: I try not to leave dna when I'm in the lobby (19:00:07) Fang: have you been inspired by CUtler and his clipboard? (19:00:10) Aubergine: what have yo been doing? (19:00:21) Fang: are we your focus group? (19:00:24) Kinkyclawz: Oh. Its not compulsory then? Oh. Right then. (19:00:28) Eileen: the person who follows (19:00:46) Eileen: lol (19:00:59) Fang: well as I said she keeps me there for a long time Genie, it's easier not to leave DNA if you just jog on through to the lift (19:01:00) Kinkyclawz: Well, i DO have this questionnaire and a video, if you're interested. (19:01:23) Fang: it's not that Robson Green song again is it? (19:01:27) Fang: oh wait that's me (19:01:27) Kinkyclawz: i'd liek your thoughts on it. (19:02:10) Aubergine: a questionnaire and a video? (19:02:17) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, yes, that was you my dear Twrother. (19:02:25) Aubergine: did we have homework? (19:02:36) Eileen: how did you like the episode? (19:02:41) Fang: well no harm in that, who wants to watch it again (19:03:07) Kinkyclawz: Eileen does. (19:03:12) Fang: eo&playnext=1&list=PL3E647BBEC67CF3A7 (19:03:15) Kinkyclawz: Genie and I do too. (19:03:27) Fang: anyway (19:03:29) Kinkyclawz: Ah no Genie, its a pop quiz instead. (19:03:31) Aubergine: Kirby was really creepy (19:03:36) Fang: Eileen didn't do her homework (19:04:18) Eileen: sorry im distracted by my parents (19:04:27) Eileen: no i didnt (19:04:28) Eileen: sorry (19:04:32) Fang: aghhhhhhhhhhh parents! (19:04:42) Aubergine: hello Eileen parents *waving* (19:04:47) Fang: *makes note not to say anything innapropiate* (19:05:04) Kinkyclawz: Yes, be good fang. He was! He really was. Sorta got that creepy vibe straight off, though perhaps it was more (19:05:40) Eileen: i hated kirby (19:05:41) Fang: aww i was trying to be good and still give off that creepy vibe (19:05:44) Eileen: poor Tom (19:05:49) Eileen: and Hal and Annie (19:05:57) Kinkyclawz: more likely that we've been trianed to expect bit part characters to be a threat to

our quartet. (19:06:14) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you're not creepy Fang. (19:06:29) Fang: at least he was a good dancer (19:06:38) Eileen: lol (19:06:40) Aubergine: first I thought he was a "peedo" (19:06:46) Eileen: no Fang is not creepy! (19:06:53) Eileen: me too (19:06:57) Eileen: *shivers* (19:06:58) Aubergine: did anyone else cheer when he got hit by the car (19:07:35) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, you weren't far off, Genie. (19:07:41) Kinkyclawz: I did! (19:07:55) Fang: I think he still was to a degree, he just didn't act on it (19:07:55) Aubergine: good it wasn't just me (19:08:10) Kinkyclawz: Gotta say the scene with the doctor in the car was fascinating and chilling in equal measure. (19:08:11) Fang: he was a bit touchy with that kid at the start (19:08:21) Kinkyclawz: Ghosts can do some scary, scary stuff. (19:08:36) Aubergine: see very creepy (19:08:48) Fang: yeah I wondered why Herrick didn't like them, now we know (19:08:52) Aubergine: and that was before he started on our housemates (19:08:59) Eileen: the gp scene was so creepy (19:09:01) Eileen: ewww (19:09:28) Aubergine: Herrick was probably afraid of ghost (19:09:52) Aubergine: they seem more powerful than vampirs (19:09:54) Kinkyclawz: I wondered if they could possibly influence the living in a physical way, and now I have my answer. (19:10:07) Kinkyclawz: They have the pt (19:10:35) Aubergine: who stole my E (19:11:08) Aubergine: I distinctly remember typing it (19:11:24) Fang: it was probably the receptionist stealing it (19:11:36) Fang: or Willie as we know ghosts can influence the living (19:12:15) Aubergine: maybe there is no such thing as a harmless ghost (19:12:23) Eileen: i didnt! (19:12:35) Aubergine: it was good to see Annie's eyes go all violet again (19:12:39) Eileen: *hides e in her name* (19:12:49) Eileen: that was so beautifully done (19:12:53) Eileen: loved the blue light (19:13:04) Kinkyclawz: Ghosts seem to ahve the ptoential to be more dangerous than vampire and werewolves put together. I guess Annie demonstrated that in S1 and Wyndham said somethibg to that effect at the end of S3, didn't he? Maybe Kirby's ability to do what he did was soemthing to do with the way he was brought back through the door? (19:13:15) Fang: yeah good to see there's still some money left in the budget (19:13:45) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, violet eyed Annie is awesome! (19:14:08) Aubergine: money the contacts are all paid for and maybe the lights effect is because they didn't pay the electrics this month (19:14:09) Kinkyclawz: Did Annie absorb kirby's i suspect he might have been doing when he was in the B&B (19:14:11) Kinkyclawz: ? (19:14:41) Kinkyclawz: LOL Budgets again? (19:14:50) Aubergine: Yeah I think he was doing that since she was so weak all the time (19:15:00) Fang: I think the GP already had an underlying heart problem adn Kirby attacked it, I have no basis for that though (19:15:20) Fang: maybe that's why Annie is a threat to vampires as they have the underlying problem of being dead (19:15:37) Aubergine: The GP was like a rabbit. he got scared to death (19:15:46) Fang: that also explains why the lights keep going out, it wasn't our ghosts at all

(19:15:47) Kinkyclawz: Possibly, Fang. he did seem a bit uptight. (19:15:51) Eileen: i think (19:16:05) Fang: that's good Eileen, keep thinking (19:16:28) Aubergine: I like the explanation of why George and Nina couldn't come back. Werewolves can't be ghost. (19:16:54) Eileen: sorry im back (19:17:05) Eileen: had to leave the room because i couldnt concentrate (19:17:33) Fang: you're not hiding in the bathroom are you? (19:17:37) Eileen: i think that annie was losing energy because her bond to the boys was losing its effect (19:17:52) Eileen: i couldnt finish my typing, Fang (19:18:11) Kinkyclawz: That I think might explain too why George & Nina didn't han g around to care for their child (besides teh fact russell 8 sinead had left) (19:18:24) Kinkyclawz: They simply weren't allowed to stay. (19:18:38) Eileen: i doubt what Kirby said (19:18:42) Fang: yeah that sort of works, we could take it as a rule but if Toby ever wants to go back on it then it could jus tbe put down to Kirby manipulating Tom (19:18:43) Aubergine: I can accept that (19:18:44) Eileen: i think werewolfs can be ghosts (19:18:55) Eileen: he just could not explain why Nina didnt come herself (19:19:16) Eileen: i think it was manipulation (19:19:24) Kinkyclawz: brb (19:19:27) Eileen: i mean George went through the door didnt he? (19:19:28) Kinkyclawz: brb (19:19:29) Eileen: hb (19:19:29) Fang: plus you're not meant to ignore your door, as far as we know only Annie and Sykes have done that (19:19:43) Aubergine: are werewolves still werewolves when they die or do they just remain human? (19:19:44) Eileen: and no im not hiding in the bathroom (19:19:45) Eileen: lol (19:19:58) Eileen: i think they remain human (19:20:17) Aubergine: and if they're human then they can become ghost (19:20:21) Fang: yeah George's spirit didn't have the visible wounds his body did (19:20:44) Fang: well they get a ghost that go through a door but it doesn't nesacrily mean they can stay (19:20:54) Aubergine: that would suck if you spirit stayed as you died (19:21:12) Aubergine: some people get mangled like the Box car 20 (19:22:09) Eileen: ewwww (19:22:27) Eileen: that would be messy (19:22:41) Eileen: brb now I really will hide in the bathroom for a few min (19:22:46) Fang: well whatever the men with sticks and ropes need to sort out the afterlife, Annie, Lia, future Eve (?) and Kirby are ignoring the rules (19:22:56) Aubergine: I thought Kirby was one of the stick and rope crew until I found out he was just her minion (19:23:28) Aubergine: wonder why future lady didn't just come through the door herself (19:24:22) Fang: to you think she put an advert in the ghostly gazzette? manipulative serial killer wanted, no pay but you a genoruous benefits package including travel to earth, no agencies please (19:24:40) Eileen: back (19:25:07) Kinkyclawz: back. (19:25:07) Eileen: rofl (19:25:17) Eileen: wb! (19:25:21) Kinkyclawz: Maybe she can't? (19:25:32) Kinkyclawz: thanks wb to you too! (19:25:48) Kinkyclawz: maybe there're certain rules to the breaking of the rules, if you get me? (19:25:52) Eileen: yeah maybe it has to do with comlications when (if she is eve) both eves meat (19:25:54) Eileen: meet (19:25:55) Eileen: rofl (19:26:01) Fang: don't rofl if you're in the bathroom

(19:26:08) Eileen: they shouldnt meat (19:26:10) Kinkyclawz: Personally, I think that was the one thing kirby didn't lie about. (19:26:19) Eileen: that would be messy (19:26:20) Aubergine: you must have a big bathroom (19:26:27) Eileen: im already back, FAng (19:26:28) Kinkyclawz: no meating is bad, meeting could be worse? (19:26:28) Eileen: (19:26:38) Kinkyclawz: LOl not if the floor is wet anyway. (19:26:51) Eileen: im already BACK!!!! (19:26:55) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:27:02) Eileen: *sobs because she didnt get a wb* (20:27:05) Fang: don't make comment on Eileen's big back (20:27:30) Aubergine: what do your parents think of all this rofl (20:27:35) Eileen: i dont have a big back (20:27:37) Eileen: anymore (20:27:47) Eileen: they are in the other room (20:27:48) Eileen: (20:27:59) Eileen: did i mention that I adored Hal in the epi? (20:28:00) Fang: what your old big back is in the other room? (20:28:07) Eileen: i know I never mention it, but i really did (20:28:15) Eileen: my parents are (20:28:22) Fang: no I meant you wrote "back" as "BACK!!!!", it's bigger see (20:28:25) Eileen: i said they (20:28:26) Eileen: lol (20:28:39) Eileen: no i cannot see my bacl (20:28:42) Eileen: back (20:28:47) Eileen: and the bacl either (20:28:53) Eileen: but i still adored Hal (20:28:57) Kinkyclawz: is your bacl closer/ can they see that? LOL ;P (20:29:03) Eileen: *gets her pompoms* (20:29:12) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Hal really was trying to proec Annie. (20:29:12) Aubergine: yes Hal was very adorable (20:29:15) Eileen: Give me an H! (20:29:19) Fang: POM POMS! (20:29:22) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, protect also (20:29:24) Eileen: Give me an A! (20:29:26) Fang: H! (20:29:31) Fang: A! (20:29:31) Kinkyclawz: sticky t key (20:29:35) Eileen: Give me an L! (20:29:36) Kinkyclawz: H! (20:29:37) Fang: T! (20:29:40) Kinkyclawz: A1 (20:29:43) Aubergine: Although I think he got off his routine and got played (20:29:44) Kinkyclawz: L! (20:29:46) Fang: what have we got? Hat! (20:29:49) Eileen: Hat? What? (20:29:57) Fang: wait, something went wrong there (20:30:03) Kinkyclawz: breaking his routine-surely Annie is aware of that? (20:30:04) Eileen: no! no hat! (20:30:04) Aubergine: why is the T sticky (20:30:11) Eileen: I think so too (20:30:12) Kinkyclawz: Hal's hat maybe? (20:30:21) Aubergine: why is there a T at all (20:30:21) Kinkyclawz: I hate to think, Genie. i really do. LOL (20:30:25) Eileen: Hal wears a hat?

(20:30:27) Eileen: ohhhhhhh (20:30:27) Fang: I was waiting for the pom poms so long I got overexcited and it all came out sticky T and wrong (20:30:33) Eileen: sticky t (20:30:39) Eileen: oh sounds suspicious (20:30:47) Kinkyclawz: Couldn't spell sticky without t, I guess. (20:30:55) Kinkyclawz: sticky T sounds like a really bad rapper. (20:30:59) Eileen: yeah you better not (20:31:06) Eileen: sicky T (20:31:13) Eileen: sounds only have good (20:31:14) Kinkyclawz: lol poor T is sick now? (20:31:30) Fang: yeah being sticky must be one of the symptons (20:31:37) Kinkyclawz: We're losing the topic! aargh! (20:31:39) Aubergine: a bad rapper (20:31:41) Kinkyclawz: We were doing so well! (20:31:43) Eileen: *continues to cheer for Hal trying not to think about sickly Ts* (20:31:52) Fang: what do your parents think of your cheerleading? (20:32:01) Eileen: they are in the other room (20:32:03) Kinkyclawz: no, no sickly t's, can't be ahving that; (20:32:05) Kinkyclawz: lol (20:32:16) Eileen: Hal! Hal! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaal! (20:32:17) Fang: oh so it's a secret hobby (20:32:24) Eileen: *dances around* (20:32:28) Eileen: it is! (20:32:38) Fang: Hal does a really good sad look (20:32:45) Eileen: as soon as they come in i sit at my desk smiling innocently* (20:32:52) Eileen: Hal! Hal! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal! (20:33:00) Kinkyclawz: Hal... loved the line, (I paraphrase as i've only seen it the once... "come downstairs, Annie's freaking out, I'm not enjoying it. " (20:33:01) Aubergine: such an enthusiastic romp for Hal (20:33:06) Eileen: puppy Hal with sharp teeth! (20:33:08) Kinkyclawz: LmAO Hiding it well! (20:33:17) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:33:22) Kinkyclawz: but isn't Tomthe puppy? (20:33:24) Fang: Eileen? Romp? Pom Poms, her parents are here! this isn't right! (20:33:26) Kinkyclawz: (20:33:30) Kinkyclawz: or Eve? (20:33:36) Aubergine: I love when she made him say they were lovers (20:33:38) Fang: I like that he doesn't sing (20:33:43) Kinkyclawz: Well, technically not Eve i guess since she didn't transform. (20:33:46) Eileen: lol (20:33:52) Eileen: but I read tonight he will sing (20:34:02) Eileen: lol puppys all over (20:34:11) Fang: yeah me too, did he keep the vest for such occasions? (20:34:16) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, tom was really going for the gay lovers storyline... I thought he was goign to try for a kiss at one point. (20:34:17) Fang: I guess he won't be wearing it anymore (20:34:39) Eileen: awwwwwww (20:34:40) Kinkyclawz: Aww, twas sweet when tom apologised to hal when he was STILL stitting in the car at the end fo the road. (20:34:45) Kinkyclawz: erm sitting rather. (20:34:46) Eileen: the belt though (20:34:48) Eileen: hmmmmmmm (20:34:55) Kinkyclawz: No, i doubt he will. (20:35:00) Kinkyclawz: Is the vest one of mitchell's? (20:35:05) Eileen: i wonder how long he blocked the road

(20:35:30) Eileen: i think he just didnt know where to go (20:35:40) Aubergine: Tom is so naive I don't even know if he shouldn't be telling others he's gay (20:36:06) Eileen: poor tom (20:36:13) Aubergine: He sat there for a long while I thought. He has no where to go (20:36:14) Fang: Missing scene - Annie: Do you really need all those clothes? Hal: Of course, a vampire must be prepared. Annie: Even the vest, you never war it. Hal: Especially the vest, after so many centuries you begin to realise that occasionly you have to pose as a gay couple (20:36:16) Eileen: :( (19:36:57) Fang: maybe he was countint the indicator flashes (19:37:12) Eileen: maybe lol (19:37:32) Fang: I suppose you liked all his excerice scenes too (19:38:02) Eileen: i did! *winks* (19:38:08) Eileen: sending you the chatlog now, Kc! (19:38:14) Kinkyclawz: I reckon it was because he had no idea where he could go. in effect his safety net from munching on the whole of South Wales was gone and he had ntohing left to cling to. (19:38:21) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou suesse! *hugz* (19:38:24) Kinkyclawz: Silly me! (19:38:34) Aubergine: who doesn't like exercise scenes (19:38:39) Fang: that's what I said in the episode topic that some of you ignored - Kirby playing on Tom's innocnene just made him more hatable (19:38:48) Kinkyclawz: Mmmm exercise scenes... (19:39:42) Kinkyclawz: yeah, but it was Kirby;'s speciality. Even in life he exploited the innocent to get where he needed to be. did he murder the children as well as the mothers, do you think? (19:39:56) Aubergine: surely there is nothing wrong with a barechested man working on his muscles (19:40:00) Eileen: *dreams of the exercise scenes* oh did you say something, Fang? (19:40:11) Kinkyclawz: nothing at all wrong with that. *smiles dreamily* (19:40:19) Fang: nah I think his own mother left him or something and he leaves the kids in the same way (19:40:19) Aubergine: that was evil of him to do to poor Tom (19:40:31) Kinkyclawz: *cuddles* thanks Eileen! (19:40:39) Fang: at least Hal helped him but his wall back together, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (19:40:58) Kinkyclawz: A nice lil bonding scene. (19:41:00) Eileen: *is cuddled* YMW (19:41:00) Fang: fine! *whips of shirt and starts doing press-ups* (19:41:09) Fang: 1,2,3,4 (19:41:12) Aubergine: that might have been the OCD coming back (19:41:12) Eileen: i adored that scene!!! (19:41:19) Fang: 5...6..........7 (19:41:19) Kinkyclawz: LOVED Cutler coming to Tom's rescue and getting the copper ot look at the CCTV... Heehee (19:41:23) Fang: 8 (19:41:26) Eileen: *watches Fang* Hmmmm... (19:41:30) Fang: *collapses* (19:41:47) Kinkyclawz: *smiles, hopes Eileen is enjoying the Fang show* (19:41:48) Aubergine: Cutler might have the makings of a Vamoire leader after all (19:41:54) Eileen: clever Cutler *is distracted by Fang collapsing* (19:41:58) Aubergine: you okay Fang (19:42:00) Kinkyclawz: Oops, didn't even mamage to get my camcorder out. (19:42:01) Fang: Man Cutler is much more cunning that I thought he was (19:42:02) Eileen: oh, are you alright? (19:42:14) Fang: no, I'm tired... and cold (19:42:17) Eileen: 8! (19:42:20) Eileen: well better than 5 (19:42:25) Fang: *puts big hoody on and sulks* (19:42:26) Kinkyclawz: He is a bit Herrick-esque in some ways, that disarming friendliness (19:42:34) Kinkyclawz: Well done Fang!

(19:42:39) Eileen: *hands Fang a blanket as well* (19:42:41) Aubergine: You should have known better & is the limit remember (19:42:53) Eileen: You did good, Fang (19:42:54) Fang: well I assume he's framing werewolves for the Box tunnel 20 anyway (19:42:58) Aubergine: make that 7 (19:43:04) Eileen: now you only need 102 more (19:43:20) Eileen: 7! okay, 103 to go (19:43:28) Fang: no I did 8! (19:43:35) Fang: don't listen to that nasty Genie (19:43:38) Eileen: *hands him an energy drink* (19:43:44) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:43:52) Aubergine: that's why you collapsed (19:44:04) Eileen: 8 or 7? (19:44:09) Fang: *slurps Eileen's tasty energy drink* (19:44:11) Eileen: is there a camera we can check? (19:44:12) Aubergine: we are only allowed 7 when dealing with BH (19:44:19) Eileen: oh wait, Fang is a vampire right? (19:44:29) Eileen: oh i see (19:44:41) Fang: wow I see where you get your wii fit/cheerleading/stalking energy from now (19:44:56) Eileen: it's awesome, isn't it? (19:45:09) Eileen: *sees a blue light go on in Fang's eyes* (19:45:10) Fang: well yes... but are you sure it's legal? (19:45:27) Kinkyclawz: *hands eileen the energy drink* Has anyone seen the washing up liquid I left in a bottle on the table? (19:45:55) Fang: actually I tend to do four sets of 8 press-ups at the moment, I'll leave it tonight though (19:46:12) Kinkyclawz: Ah, do eight sets tomorroe? (19:46:36) Fang: I still don't like the whole werewolf blood thing though (19:46:43) Eileen: oh! uhmm I think I did, KC (19:46:46) Eileen: sorry, FAng!!! (19:46:51) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, as for the framing of werewolves for the Box Tunnel 20... you could be right. do you think he's aiming to have Tom as the lead suspect? (19:47:05) Eileen: yeah it looks like they added that part (19:47:24) Kinkyclawz: There is a thing, maybe Seth and his little gang were too stupid to realise werewolf blood was dangerous to them? (19:47:26) Eileen: about the blood (19:47:29) Fang: no, but I think he may kidnap Tom at the next full moon so he can scratch the guy they've already framed (19:47:45) Kinkyclawz: Isn't the guy they framed already dead? (19:47:46) Eileen: hmmmmm (19:47:59) Kinkyclawz: Maybe that's not common knowledge? (19:48:13) Fang: I'm guessing Tom's transformation video, bomb making/acid/swimming pool supplies will be used to frame him (19:48:14) Kinkyclawz: I mean about the werwolf blood not the suspect ebing dead. (19:48:19) Aubergine: I thought the guy they framed was killed, but I guess not (19:48:25) Fang: his wall could even be seen as all the things he hates (19:48:42) Fang: oh maybe he is dead, that does sound vaguelly familiar now you say it (19:48:49) Kinkyclawz: possibly yeah. (19:48:52) Eileen: his wall? (19:48:58) Eileen: oh i understand! (19:49:12) Eileen: yeah maybe (19:49:21) Kinkyclawz: the pics on tom's wall, if they find it they co9uld interpret it as a hate list not a wish list... is that what you emant Fang? (19:49:23) Eileen: i think he might also use Tom to get into the house? (19:49:32) Eileen: make him a friend so he gets invited? (19:49:33) Fang: yeah exactly (19:49:41) Kinkyclawz: Can... oh no it was the other guy,. Fergus.

(19:49:57) Kinkyclawz: M<aybe. Tom is very naive in some ways. (19:50:28) Aubergine: but Tom hates vampires (19:50:31) Eileen: i read on tumblr that the voice in epi one of the vampire leader sounded more like Rgus (19:50:34) Eileen: Regus (19:50:34) Fang: ooh I like that theory Eileen (19:50:39) Eileen: than Hal (19:50:44) Aubergine: and he knows enough not to trust everyone (19:50:50) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, you could be right. (19:50:59) Fang: yeah but if he likes Hal, maybe Tom and Cutler contunues to help him he may change his mind (19:51:23) Fang: oops Adam not Tom (19:51:36) Fang: I'm sure he does like Tom but that's not the point (19:51:45) Kinkyclawz: True, but Cutler seems to be worming into his good books. tom's becoming friends with Hal (19:51:53) Aubergine: I don't see Adam and Tom getting on. Adam only looks like a child (19:52:00) Kinkyclawz: its possibly skewing his thoughts a little (19:52:07) Aubergine: but I guess well find out (19:52:09) Kinkyclawz: Oh... OH! (19:52:12) Kinkyclawz: I wonder. (19:52:29) Eileen: yeah (19:53:10) Fang: *waits patinetly, well not as patientlly as I could have without tpying this* (19:53:36) Kinkyclawz: I wonder IF Regus is the vampire who takes over New York... maybe the baby is SUPPOSED to die in order to wipe out the vampires. Maybe that's the part of the prophecy he read but kept to himself. it'd explain why he is so insistent on keeping her alive (19:54:04) Kinkyclawz: and why the future Eve, who got the entire prophecy eventually, is trying to kill he infant self. ? (19:54:09) Fang: I couldn't see Regus taking over Barry let alone New York (19:54:16) Kinkyclawz: Regus si plannign the power for himself (19:54:18) Eileen: i have also read that maybe the third part of the script (19:54:22) Fang: but I think he did misread the scrolls (19:54:27) Fang: I mean they are a bit vague (19:54:36) Fang: just some symbols and he fills in the rest (19:54:36) Aubergine: so you think Regus is living a self fulling prophecy (19:54:55) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, but rememebr the look on his face when he sees something else during the explanation phase in the warehouse in ep1. (19:55:03) Eileen: says that eve will start the war that the vampires win and so destroy humanity thats why future woman wants her to get killed (19:55:07) Aubergine: maybe Micheala drives him power crazy (19:55:13) Aubergine: or just crazy (19:55:57) Eileen: lol (19:56:08) Fang: yeah she's enought to turn anybody to genocide (19:56:15) Kinkyclawz: I think he knows more than he told the others and his feeling son inadequacy and making him keep the details to himself. (19:56:23) Kinkyclawz: LOl harsh on poor Michaela. (19:56:39) Kinkyclawz: Soemthign liek that Eileen, yes. (19:56:41) Eileen: i think that maybe she starts the war with good intentions (19:56:47) Fang: well at least she can write some peoems about it (19:56:53) Aubergine: well she had Hal babbling within minutess (19:57:00) Kinkyclawz: Regus is the key as the vampires simply take his interpretation, they don';t understand what they're reading, even Hal. (19:57:04) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (19:57:07) Kinkyclawz: Fair dues (19:57:14) Kinkyclawz: Babbling but not killing, so its good. (19:57:24) Kinkyclawz: Is that what they are, Fang? Poems? (19:57:42) Eileen: do you really think he wants eve alive only so his 400 years spent on the prophecy have not been in vain?

(19:57:49) Eileen: that doesn sound like a good reason (19:57:53) Aubergine: well she needs some honing of her technique (19:57:54) Eileen: lol (19:58:02) Kinkyclawz: i reckon so, yeah. (19:58:15) Eileen: sounds a bit made up (19:58:20) Kinkyclawz: that and the fact that nobody cares a jot what he does until they feel like it, that';s gotta sting a bit. (19:58:27) Fang: I do as I like that theory, and it's similar to Kemp's motives (19:58:31) Eileen: but then it is made up as its a show (19:58:34) Eileen: (19:58:41) Kinkyclawz: indeed. (19:59:08) Fang: (19:59:17) Kinkyclawz: But as motivations so, its pretty much an "I#ll show you" kind of thing, he resents the vampires, the old Ones in particular, for how they've pretty much neglected him. (19:59:30) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Half price party rings?! Awesomeness! (19:59:58) Eileen: yeah (20:00:03) Eileen: he wants revenge (20:00:05) Eileen: half price? (20:00:10) Fang: He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. (20:00:13) Eileen: but i only like full price party rings! (20:00:24) Eileen: oh JD!!! (20:00:30) Eileen: oh no it's Fang (20:00:34) Fang: well that's weird logic for a German (20:00:47) Eileen: why? (20:00:55) Eileen: lol (20:01:03) Eileen: i like full priced party rings (20:01:05) Kinkyclawz: On the plus side, those protecting the child have already killed a dozen or so vampires in the child's defence, so if Regus's plan is to ahve the most powerful vamps taken out so he can become "king of the world", he's not doing badly already. :@ (20:01:07) Kinkyclawz: (20:01:17) Kinkyclawz: LOL and not mini party rings either,m huh? (20:01:26) Fang: well the taste isn't effected by the pricem your argument is illogical (20:01:30) Eileen: nope (20:01:31) Kinkyclawz: JD? My Twusband is here? (20:01:34) Aubergine: honestly who would follow Regus (20:01:37) Eileen: huge full priced party rings (20:01:38) Kinkyclawz: *gets excited* (20:01:46) Eileen: with golden E's (20:01:50) Kinkyclawz: If there's no-one left to follow... they'd ahve to. (20:01:56) Eileen: Michaela! (20:02:02) Fang: ahem, I quoted, a proper literally one, you should be saying how cleve I am not talking about Eileen's ring (20:02:14) Fang: I'll repeat (20:02:15) Fang: He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. (20:02:16) Kinkyclawz: *sees the online users list and no "keepmakingtea" on there.* Awww. (20:02:27) Eileen: *coughs* Oh how clever Fang is! (20:02:33) Fang: that's better (20:02:35) Kinkyclawz: She who controls the future, controls the world? (20:03:03) Aubergine: the one with the most toys wins (20:03:10) Fang: but it's true, and future Eve also wants to control the past (20:03:13) Eileen: oh not me then (20:03:13) Kinkyclawz: YAY for toys"! (20:03:20) Eileen: *plays with her tiny teddy bear*

(20:03:54) Kinkyclawz: OW! (20:04:59) Eileen: You hurt, KC? (20:05:15) Eileen: *hands over a bandaid* (20:06:01) Aubergine: I guess in twenty years or so Regus might turn enough people to make an army (20:06:02) Fang: brb (20:06:04) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks. I just bumped my nose with my laptop when trying to sit up straigher. no biggie. *rubs her nose* Aaaanyway. Tom's birthday! (20:06:04) Eileen: I adored Hal with Eve (20:06:05) Eileen: lol (20:06:14) Kinkyclawz: HB Fang! (20:06:17) Eileen: Don't do that, little baby! (20:06:20) Eileen: i feel with you, Hal (20:06:28) Kinkyclawz: Heehee. (20:06:36) Eileen: where did Fang go? (20:06:47) Kinkyclawz: no idea, he jsut said he'd BRB (20:06:51) Eileen: I think i missed a bit of the chat (20:06:53) Aubergine: oh dear did Fang leave (20:06:57) Eileen: didn read that (20:07:17) Aubergine: didn't get that either (20:07:18) Kinkyclawz: ( (20:05:15) Eileen: *hands over a bandaid* (20:06:01) Aubergine: I guess in twenty years or so Regus might turn enough people to make an army (20:06:02) Fang: brb (20:06:04) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks. I just bumped my nose with my laptop when trying to sit up straigher. no biggie. *rubs her nose* Aaaanyway. Tom's birthday! ) (20:07:27) Eileen: thanks (20:07:28) Eileen: (20:07:37) Kinkyclawz: Are we getting missing bits of conversation again. (20:07:38) Aubergine: but as he's not commenting he must be gone (20:07:43) Eileen: you like the bandaid with little werewolfs on it? (20:07:52) Kinkyclawz: AWW! So cute! (20:07:53) Eileen: hb Fang (20:08:19) Kinkyclawz: *sticks it on her nose* Thanks! Better than little vampires, i guess. Is that tempting fate a bit? (20:08:27) Eileen: and his panic about Annies Rota (20:08:30) Eileen: awwwwwwwwwww (20:08:47) Fang: back! (20:08:51) Aubergine: well he already has a pretty full rota of his own (20:08:52) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Tom was unimpressed too. (20:08:53) Kinkyclawz: WB! (20:08:54) Eileen: wb!!! (20:09:06) Fang: thanks (20:09:18) Kinkyclawz: He does. His distress at his room ebing messed up - I felt for him there. (20:09:36) Eileen: and Leo's photo! How rude! (20:09:43) Kinkyclawz: i know! (20:09:44) Eileen: i adored the birthday cake scene (20:09:51) Eileen: so so adorable of all of them! (20:09:54) Aubergine: just getting that back into shape must have taken hours (20:10:00) Fang: yeah Regus could form an army as he controls the one thing they beleive in, if he says they have to take out New York to save the vampire race they would (20:10:13) Aubergine: the cake was good, but he should have sung (20:10:17) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, so sweet that Tom didn't knwo you have to blow out the candles. Bless, he missed so much, that's oen thing kirby was right about, even in his slimy, manipulative way.

(20:10:23) Fang: yeah Tom was so happy to get his cake (20:10:48) Kinkyclawz: and his 21st too! (20:10:55) Aubergine: his first birthday party too (20:11:01) Eileen: i felt with hal (20:11:02) Eileen: lol (20:11:07) Kinkyclawz: Indeed it was! (20:11:10) Eileen: its like me at a party: I don't dance! (20:11:19) Eileen: not to mention I don't sing either. (20:11:22) Fang: you don't! (20:11:23) Eileen: awwwwwwwwww (20:11:33) Aubergine: heart breaking when he ran to his room and cried (20:11:37) Kinkyclawz: Awwwwwww, but you cna cheerlead so thats a bonus, yes? (20:11:37) Fang: awesome! lets go to a club and not dance together (20:11:48) Eileen: yeah at least that (20:11:51) Kinkyclawz: Aww, yeah, it shows how young he really in inside. (20:11:53) Eileen: yay! (20:11:56) Fang: I like his power couple fantasy too (20:11:58) Eileen: that will be brilliant, Fang (20:12:12) Eileen: he really loves baristas (20:12:12) Kinkyclawz: power couple? *wonders what she missed* (20:12:17) Eileen: or barristas? (20:12:22) Kinkyclawz: barristers? (20:12:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:12:27) Eileen: and a labrador (20:12:31) Eileen: barristers! (20:12:34) Eileen: hmmmm (20:12:53) Fang: maybe he's getting legal people and coffee makers confused? (20:12:57) Eileen: 47 min! (20:13:02) Aubergine: do mean a lawyer or the coffee? (20:13:07) Eileen: lol (20:13:18) Aubergine: hmm (20:13:28) Eileen: *squirms in her chair* (20:13:29) Fang: really he just hates making coffee at the cafe and wants some help (20:13:36) Fang: Hal of course preferes tea (20:13:40) Eileen: maybe (20:13:41) Eileen: lol (20:13:49) Kinkyclawz: And Annie is happy to oblige. (20:14:09) Eileen: and i was like: it was only a matter of time until Annie's rota and Hal's rota collided (20:14:11) Aubergine: well with Annie around who needs to make your own tea or coffee (20:14:23) Aubergine: that took one hour (20:14:29) Aubergine: mayne less (20:14:32) Eileen: Annie could be the barrister (20:14:37) Fang: well she can't work at the cafe, the last time she worked it didn't work out, and that's when she was visible! (20:14:38) Aubergine: or maybe less (20:14:41) Eileen: lol (20:14:56) Kinkyclawz: (20:15:15) Eileen: yay! (20:15:18) Aubergine: she should work at the cafe. people would be so impressed with the speed the coffee/tea comes out (20:15:25) Eileen: the power triplette (20:15:36) Eileen: lol (20:15:41) Eileen: 44 min (20:15:42) Fang: hmmmmmmmmmmmm (20:15:45) Kinkyclawz: LOL Just hide the brewing up stuff in the back and hey presto, family business. (20:15:53) Kinkyclawz: hehe, you're on a count down yes?

(20:16:02) Eileen: i am! (20:16:05) Eileen: *nods* (20:16:10) Fang: oh I thought that was how long until the rota caused trouble (20:16:11) Kinkyclawz: Good girl! (20:16:20) Eileen: lol (20:16:29) Kinkyclawz: It should be gone by this week yes? (20:16:37) Kinkyclawz: Or more flexible, at least. (20:16:38) Eileen: the rota? (20:16:42) Eileen: i hope for Hal's sake (20:16:49) Fang: I didn't like it being yet another episode where an outsider tries to manipulate them though, was too similar to Herrick's last year (20:16:56) Eileen: i loved the origami (20:16:58) Kinkyclawz: And was her idea but was stressing ehr out. (20:17:00) Aubergine: gone I think (20:17:04) Aubergine: since no one did it (20:17:09) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:17:16) Kinkyclawz: Origami? (20:17:17) Fang: honestly after Mitchell I would have thought she'd be a bit more supportive of Hal staying clean (20:17:32) Eileen: the video with hal and annie (20:17:35) Kinkyclawz: to be honest, yes. (20:17:54) Kinkyclawz: Is that on the extra stuff, Eileen? (20:18:03) Fang: oh yeah, that was cool (20:18:15) Eileen: (20:18:22) Eileen: yes extra stuff (20:18:27) Kinkyclawz: If so, I think i've missed it. Ooh, cheers! (20:18:28) Fang: shame they didn't mention Annie's oragami skills (or did they), they could have had a little competion (20:18:32) Eileen: btw did you find the link for the bts stuff? (20:18:40) Kinkyclawz: did she learn them from Tully? (20:18:44) Aubergine: Annie is a contradiction (20:18:45) Eileen: lol (20:19:02) Kinkyclawz: no, couldn't find any for this year. i was referring to years gone by when we had Twitteriffic cast and crew memebers. (20:19:17) Eileen: ah i see (20:19:18) Eileen: (20:19:27) Eileen: have you seen damien's twitter? (20:19:30) Eileen: and michaels? (20:20:03) Fang: aw more actor names to remember? this show has already had me learn more than I have for anything else (20:20:34) Fang: anyway what happened to you making a Hal topic Eileen? (20:20:54) Eileen: sorry i couldnt make it (20:21:00) Eileen: too much to do at work (20:21:12) Kinkyclawz: Too much rewatchign to do... (20:21:14) Eileen: and at home (20:21:15) Kinkyclawz: (20:21:15) Eileen: lol (20:21:18) Fang: no excuse! (20:21:23) Eileen: i only watched it 4 time! (20:21:37) Kinkyclawz: I have... does anyone need slinks to Damiens and Michael's Twitter feeds? (20:21:43) Fang: take 5 minutes of hiding in the bathroom time and spend it making a topic! (20:21:50) Eileen: im following them (20:22:06) Fang: literally or just on twitter? (20:22:13) Kinkyclawz: LOL I like this! (20:22:15) Eileen: i cannot take time from that! i neeeeeeeeeed my time in the bathroom! (20:22:24) Eileen: *coughs* only on twitter

(20:22:28) Kinkyclawz: ohhh...kay (20:22:52) Eileen: a long o (20:22:55) Fang: lol! what a great pic (20:22:56) Kinkyclawz: Twitter stalking is ok. We established that earlier, right? (20:23:01) Aubergine: now that borders on unacceptable stalking (20:23:02) Kinkyclawz: Isn't it ace?! (20:23:03) Fang: fine, don't iron your underwear when doing your laundry then! (20:23:04) Eileen: we did (20:23:13) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:23:25) Eileen: but but i need to iron it! (20:23:56) Eileen: its normal to iron your underwear (20:24:02) Aubergine: you don't starch do you? (20:24:06) Kinkyclawz: If you want them warm, just microwave them before you put them on? (20:24:07) Fang: right... in that case... I'm sorry to do this but... you can only watch the episode 3 times this week (20:24:09) Eileen: i do (20:24:19) Eileen: oh! good idea! (20:24:31) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, oh dear. (20:24:34) Eileen: i'll starch, iron and microwave them! (20:24:51) Eileen: *faints* (20:24:51) Kinkyclawz: lmao It was more of an instead of not as well as! (20:24:57) Aubergine: they're be fit to eat after that (20:25:01) Kinkyclawz: lmao (20:25:10) Eileen: oh! (20:25:12) Aubergine: oh did I say that (20:25:14) Eileen: i must have misunderstood then (20:25:15) Kinkyclawz: and be sure you're not wearing them during either the ironing or microwaving phase. (20:25:16) Fang: sorry but if you can't make five minutes any other way (20:25:30) Eileen: ah yeah, I better not do that (20:25:34) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Genie (20:25:49) Eileen: i dont eat my underwear (20:25:56) Eileen: there have to be some taboos! (20:26:09) Kinkyclawz: inless they're chocolate (20:26:12) Aubergine: I didn't say you (20:26:13) Kinkyclawz: unless also (20:26:18) Eileen: ah yeah, (20:26:21) Kinkyclawz: then agin, ironing the choc ones is a baaaaaaaaaaad idea. (20:26:22) Aubergine: oh dear must behave (20:26:26) Eileen: thats okay then (20:26:31) Kinkyclawz: so is washing or micorwaving ghtme (20:26:31) Fang: chocolate underwear? (20:26:35) Kinkyclawz: WTF?! (20:26:35) Eileen: yeah it is (20:26:36) Aubergine: hot chocolate (20:26:44) Kinkyclawz: washign or microwaving them even (20:26:45) Eileen: ghtme? (20:26:48) Aubergine: wasn't that an 80's group (20:27:00) Kinkyclawz: no idea that time Eileen. LOL Maybe, Genie (20:27:11) Eileen: washing your underwear is a bad idea? (20:27:31) Kinkyclawz: Some nice twitpics here. (20:27:43) Fang: or EIleen's underwear? (20:27:45) Eileen: damn what did i do all these years then? (20:27:50) Kinkyclawz: only the edible and/or choc variety, Eileen. normal underwear is ok to wash. (20:28:06) Kinkyclawz: no, not of Eileen's underwear. :p (20:28:14) Kinkyclawz: oops, misread, you put or not of. Sorry.

(20:28:17) Fang: aww (20:28:19) Eileen: ah! my wall! (20:28:22) Aubergine: (20:28:25) Kinkyclawz: lol (20:28:57) Kinkyclawz: Heehe, appropriate Fang! nice one! (20:29:21) Eileen: haha (20:29:49) Fang: (20:29:51) Fang: (20:29:54) Eileen: okay so I can wash my underwear? (20:30:20) Fang: that was Genie, and it was nice one (20:30:36) Aubergine: I don't have permission for that last link (20:30:39) Fang: yes but don't iron them (20:30:48) Kinkyclawz: Yes, yes you can Eileen. (20:30:50) Eileen: me neither (20:31:04) Kinkyclawz: Me either, it is forbidden. (20:31:09) Eileen: ok no ironing then (20:31:12) Aubergine: oh I insist (20:31:13) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps because we are female? (20:31:20) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:31:22) Eileen: but i can put them in my closet in even numbers? (20:31:27) Eileen: lol (20:31:28) Fang: probably for the best (20:31:37) Eileen: lol (20:31:41) Fang: I'm begining to see why you like Hal so much (20:31:45) Eileen: 28 min (20:31:51) Kinkyclawz: sounds liek it. Now a chocolate covered male, on the other hand... (20:32:02) Kinkyclawz: lmao (20:32:14) Eileen: hmmmmmmmm (20:32:15) Aubergine: I bet that link would work (20:32:21) Eileen: you do? (20:33:30) Kinkyclawz: ale&hl=en&biw=1228&bih=530&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=0_Sd1VCZNbkqAM:&im grefurl= 30/Hen_Chocolate-Covered-Men,-Men,-Men!_856.asp&docid=nee4biM0VlJR 7M&imgurl= jpg&w=150&h=150&ei=btFTT6K5DsrD0QXNxMXlCw&zoom=1 (20:33:36) Fang: so what episode was the box tunnel guy said to have died? (20:33:36) Eileen: Do you think Hal irons his underwear? (20:33:39) Kinkyclawz: Hmm... (20:33:46) Kinkyclawz: the first one. (20:33:47) Eileen: ooooooooh i like (20:33:51) Fang: (quicklu tries to change subject (20:33:54) Kinkyclawz: I think (20:33:56) Eileen: 3x08? (20:34:14) Kinkyclawz: 08? AHve you been watching ahead?! (20:34:16) Eileen: no changing subjects? (20:34:37) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, we never stay ON a subject though, do we? LO (20:34:40) Eileen: that should have been a ! not a ? (20:34:41) Aubergine: I'm thinking 3X8 (20:34:54) Eileen: yeah 3x08 (20:35:05) Eileen: still havent watch that epi though (20:35:13) Kinkyclawz: (This, however... ??!?!!??!?! tbm=isch&tbnid=nIi73JAW8PNGsM:&imgrefurl=http://blogdramedy.wordpr /&docid=kMGPlVMvFs5btM&imgurl=http://blogdramedy.files.wordpress.c

om/2012/01/chocolate-covered-bacon.jpg&w=500&h=375&ei=btFTT6K5DsrD0QXNxMXlCw&zoom=1 ) (20:35:24) Aubergine: that's a lot of chocolate (20:35:29) Eileen: O.O (20:35:30) Kinkyclawz: Neither have we. LOl (20:35:42) Kinkyclawz: on bacon though? *blinks* (20:35:51) Fang: hmm chocolate and bacon (20:35:51) Kinkyclawz: Just... weird. (20:35:53) Eileen: i thought you saw that episode? (20:36:39) Aubergine: for that sweet and salty craving (20:36:41) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh...... sorry, I was thiking 4.08 for some reason, wondering why no-one pointed it out. my bad, sorry. Yeah,m watched ep8 once. (20:36:52) Fang: oh did they say he'd commited suicide in jail or something? (20:37:13) Kinkyclawz: Chocolate bacon... I suppose its like a choc pretzel huh? (20:37:38) Kinkyclawz: Might have... i've not rewatched so my memory of the details is hazy./ (20:37:51) Kinkyclawz: 23 mins to go (20:38:02) Kinkyclawz: *joins Eileen's countdown8 (20:38:15) Aubergine: that sounds vaguely familiar (20:38:23) Eileen: welcome to the countdown club, CK! (20:38:27) Eileen: KC, oops! (20:38:35) Eileen: Calvin Klein (20:38:58) Aubergine: has Calvin Klein joined our little group (20:39:04) Kinkyclawz: WE ahve a fashion designer and perfume maker here? Wow! (20:39:14) Fang: it's always back to the underwear isn't it (20:39:25) Fang: this wasn't meant to happen with Mr Will around (20:39:56) Eileen: Mr Will (20:39:57) Eileen: ? (20:40:01) Eileen: oh, my father! (20:40:04) Eileen: oops (20:40:08) Eileen: sorry Dad! (20:40:15) Aubergine: Damien Molony @ damienmolony Reply Retweet Favorite Open More press-ups... And Hal sings.... From Damien Molony's twitter (20:40:25) Fang: you forgot your own Dad? (20:40:28) Eileen: hehe (20:40:46) Eileen: *jumps up and down excitedly* (20:40:50) Eileen: for the press-ups (20:40:54) Fang: I'm not sure I want to not dance with a girl that forgets her own family (20:40:55) Eileen: i did (20:41:13) Eileen: awwwwwwwwww (20:41:18) Eileen: dont be such a downer (20:41:26) Fang: one mention of Hal press-ups and your mind goes (20:41:28) Eileen: at least Mr. Will is not my husband (20:41:41) Eileen: *faints* (20:41:50) Eileen: 18 min (20:41:54) Fang: I wonder what Hal sings (20:41:59) Kinkyclawz: But he "Will" be? (20:42:01) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:42:06) Eileen: maybe a lullaby? (20:42:08) Eileen: awwww (20:42:09) Aubergine: I'm truly glad your father is not your husband too

(20:42:12) Kinkyclawz: Row row Row your boat, gently down the stream? (20:42:24) Eileen: lol (20:42:32) Eileen: Genie! (20:42:34) Fang: me too Genie (20:42:51) Eileen: drunken sailor (20:42:53) Aubergine: Hey we get crazy shit like that in parts of America (20:42:57) Eileen: Fang! (20:42:58) Kinkyclawz: The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. the wheels ont eh bus go round and round, all day long. (20:42:59) Fang: Tom had two pics of boats on his wall (20:43:13) Kinkyclawz: he wants to ride in a boat then? (20:44:08) Fang: (20:44:13) Eileen: i have the feeling it could be a lullaby for eve (20:44:14) Eileen: awwwwwwwww (20:44:20) Eileen: *melts at the thought* (20:44:23) Fang: that could help his OCD and the baby (20:44:38) Eileen: or something from his past? i read we will learn more aobut his past (20:45:09) Eileen: 1 2 3 4 5 (20:45:09) Fang: or go on holiday, or needs it's waterproofness for chemicals, or cross water? (20:45:13) Eileen: 6 7 8 9 (20:45:18) Eileen: *joins in* (20:45:32) Eileen: 10 (20:45:36) Fang: Kc and Genie are still watching it (20:45:43) Eileen: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (20:45:49) Eileen: counting is so much fun (20:45:54) Fang: I didn't think you sung Eileen, just because Hal will Eileen Will (20:46:00) Eileen: now lets count again (20:46:05) Eileen: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 (20:46:07) Aubergine: it's mesmerizing with all the bright colors (20:46:12) Eileen: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (20:46:21) Aubergine: and shapes (20:46:36) Aubergine: might be soothing to Hal and Eve (20:47:12) Aubergine: but the counting was driving me nuts (20:47:28) Eileen: *gets glassy eyes as she watches the video* (20:47:42) Fang: oops sorry for hypnotising you all (20:47:44) Eileen: 13 min (20:47:51) Eileen: 2 1 (20:47:57) Eileen: uh, what? (20:48:01) Eileen: sorry (20:48:12) Eileen: *focusses again* KC???? (20:48:17) Fang: oh no it ruined your counting! (20:48:18) Eileen: we lost KC to the counting!! (20:48:23) Eileen: to the battle stations! (20:48:23) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, good idea to make the blocks for #3 yellow in a yellow background, that's nto goign to confuse children at all then, right? (20:48:29) Fang: KC has gone completley (20:48:34) Fang: oh maybe not (20:48:48) Eileen: ah there she is (20:48:50) Eileen: !!! (20:48:54) Kinkyclawz: no, no, honestly i'm here! Can yuo see me? (20:48:56) Kinkyclawz: *waves arms* (20:49:07) Eileen: not to the battle stations then! (20:49:09) Kinkyclawz: Phew, I went inviibubble for a minute there (20:49:11) Aubergine: can you see me now (20:49:22) Eileen: I can see you both now (20:49:25) Eileen: lets count

(20:49:30) Eileen: one KC (20:49:35) Eileen: one Genie (20:49:35) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but I'm touched that you'd go to battle stations to find me. *spreads arms wide* Group hug! (20:49:37) Eileen: one Fang (20:49:40) Aubergine: goos lets not watch that video again (20:49:48) Kinkyclawz: and one Eileen! (20:49:54) Kinkyclawz: no, lets not. (20:49:56) Eileen: *group hugs* (20:50:04) Eileen: and one Eileen (20:50:04) Eileen: where? (20:50:34) Aubergine: look in the mirror (20:50:41) Eileen: oh! (20:50:42) Aubergine: that should help (20:50:50) Kinkyclawz: we have a mirror? (20:51:01) Kinkyclawz: doesn't that then amke 2 of each of us? (20:51:06) Fang: yeah it just doesn't work for our reflections KC (20:51:07) Aubergine: why not we have everything else (20:51:25) Kinkyclawz: oh... not a silver backed mirror then? (20:51:33) Kinkyclawz: lol well, thats fair, we do (20:51:49) Kinkyclawz: and what we don't have on show is usually in the storeroom. (20:52:11) Eileen: oh 2 Genie (20:52:14) Eileen: 2 Fang (20:52:16) Eileen: 2 KC (20:52:18) Eileen: 2 Eileen (20:52:24) Aubergine: probably a spare or two in the storeroom (20:52:31) Fang: wow it's like that dream I had (20:52:36) Kinkyclawz: and one mirror (20:52:41) Kinkyclawz: yeah? (20:52:47) Aubergine: well only 2 if you have a reflection (20:52:51) Eileen: 1 mirror (20:52:55) Eileen: 2 pmpoms (20:52:56) Kinkyclawz: is it a dream we can hear safely without fear of being corrupted? (20:53:02) Eileen: you had a dream, Fang? (20:53:15) Aubergine: so there will only ever be one Hal (20:53:29) Eileen: only one hal (20:53:31) Eileen: awww (20:53:48) Eileen: btw who did Hal's hair? (20:54:04) Eileen: now that Leo isnt there (20:54:21) Fang: well my dream... you see... oh look at the time! (20:54:40) Eileen: your dream, yeah? (20:54:43) Fang: we shold get going, bh to watch, socks to iron, bathrooms to hide in all within 5 mintues! (20:54:44) Kinkyclawz: Tom or Annie... who would be the best hairdresser? (20:54:59) Aubergine: no one which is why it's messy sometimes and combed into submission at others (20:55:06) Eileen: oh right!!! (20:55:09) Eileen: hurry hurry (20:55:12) Eileen: i think annie (20:55:15) Kinkyclawz: lol indeed! Time for me to bail out too gang! We were having too good a time and nearly missed th show! (20:55:22) Aubergine: Annie of course (20:55:22) Eileen: lol (20:55:25) Kinkyclawz: lmao nie on Genie! (20:55:29) Fang: yeah Annie (20:55:39) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen, Genei and Fang!* goodnight and sleep tight my chatpack! (20:55:41) Eileen: nie? (20:55:43) Fang: I'm guessimg Tom just shaves his and I don't think Hal would like that

(20:55:53) Kinkyclawz: nice, i missed my c (20:55:56) Fang: goodnight all (20:55:58) Kinkyclawz: sticky c (20:56:01) Aubergine: okay (20:56:08) Kinkyclawz: nooooo, definitely not. (20:56:09) Kinkyclawz: lol (20:56:10) Fang: goodnight Mr and Mrs Will (20:56:12) Aubergine: enjoy the show (20:56:14) Eileen: lol i was wondering (20:56:17) Eileen: nie=never (20:56:22) Eileen: good niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight (20:56:25) Eileen: enjoy the shooooooooooooooooow (20:56:31) Eileen: Hal!!!!!!!!!!!! Here I cooooooooooooome (20:56:38) Kinkyclawz: yes goodnight Eileen's mum and dad! Goodnight Eileen! good afternoon Genie! Goodnight Fang! (20:56:41) Fang: how did you know about my drea.... oh yeah you too Genie, and EIleen and KC and Fang and Willie (20:56:46) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ eileen! (20:56:53) Fang: not the receptionist though (20:57:05) Eileen: byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye (20:57:11) Aubergine: don't be churlish (20:57:15) Eileen: bad reception---ist (20:57:21) Aubergine: say goodnight to the receptionist (20:57:28) Kinkyclawz: lmao (20:57:33) Aubergine: she's your number one fan (20:57:44) Fang: but if I do she'll keep me here and I'll miss the start (20:57:56) Eileen: byyyyyyyyyyyyyyye (20:57:59) Eileen: RUN kids! (20:58:03) Fang: it's on in 1...2... minutes! (20:58:07) Aubergine: so looooong (20:58:19) Fang: goodnight, farewell (20:58:34) Aubergine: last one out get the lights (20:58:42) Fang: *tardis noise* (20:58:44) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (20:59:06) Eileen: bye (20:59:09) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat.

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