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Wallace McKnight Dr.

Kalu Technical writing Assignment # 2 February 21, 2012

Critique of The differences between analog and digital

This article talks about the the differences between analog and digital and how it differs within different devices. It is an article from Articlesbase, an internet archive of technical documents and paper. This article is a good example of how a technical article is written. It speaks directly to the reader in a clear and concise manner and neatly explains the the differences between analog and digital. It focuses on the reader and is written as if the reader never known anything about the subject before picking up the article. The article does this by explaining a little history on both analog and digital and gives the information as if the reader has no preknown knowledge of the subject matter. The author uses an introduction to help the reader better understand the subject matter. In addition, the author breaks up the article in sections with headings to neatly display the information, adding to its organization as well. This article is also very informative, giving a great amount of information pertaining to the technology of digital and analog. I learnt a lot about digital and analog after reading this article, making this a well written article with easy assessible information for the reader.

This article is also a very coherent article. One topic clearly leads to another and the article has a neat flow of information. The author also had to pay attention to a certain format for the paper, making it comply to a required format or spec. The preciseness of the article is remarkable. Nothing is vague about this article.

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