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Name : Class: 3 Daisi Teacher:Puan Tang Date: 02-03-2011 IC:

Charleston: Good morning teacher and my fellow classmates.Today our topic will be about the movie shaolin . Charleston: Hi, Jia Quan and Foo Shiong. Jia Quan: Hi, Foo Shoing and Charleston. Foo Shoing:Hi Charleston and Foo Shoing. Charleston:So did you guys watch any movie during the Chinese New Year? Foo Shiong:Yeah.We watch the movie together. Charleston:So what movie did you guys watched together? Jia Quan:We both watched the movie Shaolin Charleston:Hey, I too did watched that movie.So what do you like about the movie? Jia Quan:I like that movie because my idol Jackie Chan act in it.He act as the chef of the temple. Charleston:Why do you see him as your idol? Jia Quan:I see him as my idol because he is handsome,strong,kind and he know kung fu.How about you Foo Shoing, what do you like about the movie? Foo Shoing:I like Andy Lau because even tought he did bad things he still turn into a new leaf in the end and sacrifice himself in the end to save the temple.

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